Yes! Saladrex! I loved his atypical personality; I wouldn't call him crazy (he was sane enough not to want to fight you unless you were going to fight him haha)
... but since this poll isn't about the IWD saga my vote goes to Thaxll'ssyllyia.
Mmm...Sherincal. I'd like to "impale" her on my "greatsword," but sadly she was not amenable to seduction. Something about not dating men shorter than her. Bummer.
Firkraag truly made me seethe, I wanted to kill him so bad the first time I fought him, and he made short work of my team. I had to reload and come back after I leveled up more. He was tough!
Being tricked by Firkraag the first time really made me seethe. I struggled through his dungeon and then hung my head in shame and left when it was clear I would not be able to beat him. Immensely satisfying to return once I had leveled up to destroy him.
Firkraag hands down. He was the epitome of a double-dealing, manipulative dragon who had taken an interest in maneuvering lesser creatures to do his bidding. He was so charismatic and had so much swagger in his human form. Plus, it was such an awesome moment when I figured out he was a dragon masquerading as a man.
I liked Adalon too, her story was very compelling. But she was so god damn full of herself and condescending to you when you were trying to help her that I wanted to kill her just to take her down a notch.
If you account the nameless dragons (like the one in hell) @CCarluNN, you should take in account the green dragon on the watcher's keep 5° level (he's the trial of courage that you must finsh to get one of the 3 keys that access Demogorgon).
Gah! Seems I joined the ranks of poll failures. Honestly, I thought real hard and could only come up with a total of seven dragons. Seems I have missed two actually. Saladrex in Watcher's Keep, and other one plainly named 'Dragon' in Hell.
@kamuizin So there are two dragons in Watcher's keep then, that makes the total that I forgot to include in the poll three. Ten dragons in the whole game. Ok, thanks for the info.
I'm torn between Thaxll'ssyllyia and Firkraag, but I ended up voting Firkraag because it's the first dragon I ever encountered. There's nothing like your first time...
Firkraag is one of the most memorable elements outside of the main storyline for me. Though I think part of that is because he was such a challenge and I was never strong enough until after I had come back to Athkatla later in the game.
Plus the hero fighting an evil red dragon is a classic D&D/fantasy cliche that never gets old.
Note; I fought Draconis a few days ago and he identified himself as a Brown dragon, despite being green and brown not being an actual dragon colour.
I voted for the Shadow Dragon on account of A) It has the meanest breath and it was the first dragon I saw. I was like "Wardstone? I don't need no stinkin' wardstones! I'ma gonna slay that pitif- ohhhkay right, on to the Shade Lord it is."
Thaxll'ssyllyia not only has the best name, and provides you with some really good (and stylish-looking!) leather armour, but she's the first Dragon in the game (at least according to how I would generally proceed), so she has that going for her as well.
Definitely the green Dragon that you talk to and save right before Abazigal for me... She felt like she was a very interesting individual that didn't get much more in terms of dialogue or appearances. I wanted to talk her to death, then take her into my party, then have her betray me so she could take the essence of Bhaal for herself. I always thought that in the instance I knew her, that's kind of something she might do.
Yes! Saladrex! I loved his atypical personality; I wouldn't call him crazy (he was sane enough not to want to fight you unless you were going to fight him haha)
I liked Adalon too, her story was very compelling. But she was so god damn full of herself and condescending to you when you were trying to help her that I wanted to kill her just to take her down a notch.
Plus the hero fighting an evil red dragon is a classic D&D/fantasy cliche that never gets old.
I voted for the Shadow Dragon on account of A) It has the meanest breath and
She felt like she was a very interesting individual that didn't get much more in terms of dialogue or appearances. I wanted to talk her to death, then take her into my party, then have her betray me so she could take the essence of Bhaal for herself. I always thought that in the instance I knew her, that's kind of something she might do.