Monk stronghold suggestion (warning: Rasaad quest spoiler)
Just had this thought: wouldn't it be cool if a monk PC could take the Two-fold temple as a stronghold after completing Rasaad's quest? Im not 100% certain what it would take for such a feature to be implemented but I still like to dream! Plus, what about all of the new monk-ish quests that we could embark upon! Monks and monkeys everywhere rejoice!
Chapter 2:
Step 1:
"So you are a monk, eh? I hear that there is some kind of new monastery forming. Maybe one of the monks in trademeet will know more about it."
Step 2:
Go to trademeet. Talk to Raasad.
Step 3:
Go to the gates. This leads you to the amphitheater.
Step 4:
Go to the amphitheater. This leads you to the monestary.
Step 5:
Use some serious cheese to survive the last battle in the Two Fold trust. Which is possible if you trap the area up and when the fight starts you retreat up the stairs so you don't get overwhelmed right away. Unlike the other stronghold quests, it has a really nasty fight at the end.
But the quest line can be done right away, just as quickly as any other stronghold quest.