iOS Translation Questions

I have recently acquired an iPad and purchased the iOS version of this game. Having played millions of hours of the BG series on a Windows computer, I have a few translation questions about going from computer to iPad.
1) If you hold the mouse button down on the area you want your party to go to, you can move your mouse around to change the direction your party will face once you let go. Is there a way to do this on iOS?
2) If you want to select multiple party members, but not all of them, there is a button you can tap to draw a box which will select all the party members inside of said box. This requires you to separate group members, so you don't accidentally select the wrong ones. Is there another way to select multiple, but not all, characters?
3) If you make one of the in-app purchases, such as Dorn or Neera, do you need to start a new game or will they be added to a current game? I'm just about to finish up Chapter 4, so I don't want to buy either of them if I would have to start over. Once I'm done with this game, I plan to hop straight over to BGII:EE, provided the answer to my next question is yes.
4) Can you port characters from BG:EE to BGII:EE on an iOS device?
Thank you in advance for your assistance.
1) If you hold the mouse button down on the area you want your party to go to, you can move your mouse around to change the direction your party will face once you let go. Is there a way to do this on iOS?
2) If you want to select multiple party members, but not all of them, there is a button you can tap to draw a box which will select all the party members inside of said box. This requires you to separate group members, so you don't accidentally select the wrong ones. Is there another way to select multiple, but not all, characters?
3) If you make one of the in-app purchases, such as Dorn or Neera, do you need to start a new game or will they be added to a current game? I'm just about to finish up Chapter 4, so I don't want to buy either of them if I would have to start over. Once I'm done with this game, I plan to hop straight over to BGII:EE, provided the answer to my next question is yes.
4) Can you port characters from BG:EE to BGII:EE on an iOS device?
Thank you in advance for your assistance.
The 1st one (if it is on IOS. If it is then it should be on ANDROID too) wouod be good on phones.