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how to fill up your time untill the release of bgee



  • WardWard Member Posts: 1,305
    Tell people how you're filling up time until the release of Baldur's Gate.
  • reedmilfamreedmilfam Member Posts: 2,808
    Xavioria said:

    I'm working 5 jobs to pay for the game!!! 0.o

    Five jobs for $17.99? I was confused when I realized that you're probably saving lots of $$$ so you can retire to a sunny beach hammock with a laptop and all the BGEE you can play.
  • phyltybophyltybo Member Posts: 12
    Getting back into Skyrim at the moment... just having fun/ testing with different mods!
  • Son_of_ImoenSon_of_Imoen Member Posts: 1,806
    I'm well underway to finish at least one of my still ongoing BG campaigns: Kheltick the half-elven Blade gathering xp and items (Crom Faeyr, Carsomyr) to defeat Bodhi and later on Irenicus for the second and final time. Once he's done, I got only 2 Tutu campaigns still going on and 3 SOA campaigns and there will be some space to open a BGEE campaign without getting completely lost in all the games I'm playing.

    I actually had 3 Tutu campaigns, but one I broke off because of disappointment with the way I modded that particular install. Bone Hill and Stone of Askavar are sub-par, to my opinion and I build that install too much around those (halving overall xp rewards to make up for what I would gain on extra xp in those quests).

    And I quited Dark Messiah of Might and Magic - gosh, what a hectic hack and slash that makes enemies unbeatable if after a few months not playing you have forgotten what keys and movements to use, what's where in your inventory. And no pause button to think about your tactics during fights. Anyone else knowing Dark Messiah of M&M and having the opinion it has no place in the series of Might and Magic games? It's so unlike Might and Magic and Heroes of Might and Magic.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    edited September 2012

    Have you lot ever tried skyrim?

    I played Skyrim for about two weeks. It bored me to tears, and I couldn't stay interested in it. I never even started the main quest.

    I wasn't expecting much, though, because I don't like open sandbox rpg's in general. I hated Oblivion. I played Morrowind through and had a reasonably good time, but never wanted to play it again after the one time.

    Tried Guild Wars. Bored after about ten hours.

    The only game that keeps me coming back again and again is Baldur's Gate. (EDIT: Oh yeah, and Might and Magic.)

    I do occasionally get into the mood for loot-based action rpg's - Sacred 1 and 2, Titan Quest, and the like.

    @Son_of_Imoen, ah thanks for reminding me! I too am a huge fan of all the old 3DO/New World Computing games. Not so much for the ones Ubisoft produced - I never even finished HOMM 5 (got bored with it), and I saw from the demo I downloaded that HOMM 6 is unplayable as far as I'm concerned.)
  • DukeOfSuffolkDukeOfSuffolk Member Posts: 22
    I decided to revisit Arcanum. I'm excited to play more of it just writing this post!
  • SpuzzinSpuzzin Member Posts: 8
    Desperately trying to finish my dissertation before BGEE is released...spending more time that I should playing BGTuTU.
  • OremusOremus Member Posts: 15
    I will be playing through (and with, since I always like to customize) Planescape: Torment for the first time, possibly (finally) finishing Fallout 3, and perhaps starting Portal 2... I'm sure that there will only be time for the first, however.

    There are so many games that I haven't touched or finished that I either bought before getting married or afterwards with the hope that I'd have time to play them all, but having kids changes the schedule a bit. I've since wizened up and now only purchase games that I believe will top my own personal charts (such as this one, especially since I have yet to play the original BG). Well, that and no longer being able to play most modern games on my PC is slightly limiting. :)
  • eksterekster Member Posts: 234
    Icewind Dale. :\

    Wanted to play a similar game but I don't want to touch BG2 until I see BG2EE... maybe I'll just go and try to find the discs for TOEE or Pool of Radiance...
  • sepottersepotter Member Posts: 367
    I basically watch netflix, youtube, browse around on this forum, and basically just drive myself insane trying to figure out something to do....
  • CCarluNNCCarluNN Member Posts: 200
    Release date is too close now for me to start any game. Abstinence isn't always a good thing, but in this case it is, and it will be worth it.
  • KosonKoson Member Posts: 284
    Playing Eve Online and Path of Exile beta while I wait.
    @belgarathmth Titan Quest and its expansion were great, I still play it every now and then trying new class combos although Immortal Throne made me Dream-addicted, don't think I've played a character without this mastery in ages. Also, TQ has aged reasonably well, unlike many other games.
  • SophiaSophia Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 581
    Officially: I'm studying for university exams.

    Really: I daydream about how I'll create charname and about how cool will be to play bg on my brand new pc without installing any mods; and occasionally (1000 times a day) I check this forum.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    Koson said:

    Playing Eve Online and Path of Exile beta while I wait.
    @belgarathmth Titan Quest and its expansion were great, I still play it every now and then trying new class combos although Immortal Throne made me Dream-addicted, don't think I've played a character without this mastery in ages. Also, TQ has aged reasonably well, unlike many other games.

    Ha, I totally agree that Dream is the most powerful mastery in TQ! Trance of Convalescence with health regen items, or Trance of Wrath either one, plus Trance of Empathy for the early levels, respecced to ToC or ToW later, what's not to like? Kind of a warm, fuzzy cloak of invulnerability with either ToW or ToC. Plus, if kiting is your thing, you can run around bosses in circles and still kill them. It's hilarious to see tough bosses fall to ToW without your having to make a single attack.

    And it even has the best spells in the game, to boot. Distortion Wave, or even better, Temporal Rift. Even the dreaded Machae Archers in Hades fall to a well-played Seer.

    I like to complete normal level without even taking a second mastery for my Seers until at least Epic level, unless I decide to splash into a second mastery just to get a little extra defense or some such.
  • aldainaldain Member Posts: 332
    I've got the same issue as most here. I gave both IWD and IWD2 a go for a quick IE fix, but it's just not the same. I end up creating full parties then abandoning the game 30 minutes in... and I do not want to go for BG1 or 2 with EE so close!

    I just surf forums (this one and others), build my hype to an unreasonable level and watch as the seconds go by so.. very.. slowly.
  • ZinodinZinodin Member Posts: 153
    When I'm not working, training or out.. Staring hatefully at my iPad. Lurking forum. >:3
  • KosonKoson Member Posts: 284
    @belgarathmth Dream is so powerful because most if not all of its spells / abilities / passives are good and it combines very well with all the other masteries, be they caster / melee / ranged. However because it is so good it rarely ends up as a support mastery :).
    ToC and ToW are amazing indeed; I never bothered with ToE although for a pet-centric summoner build it would work well. The Lucid Dream line of passives is great too, no matter what toon you play.
  • mch202mch202 Member Posts: 1,455
    Spartacus season 2 and Game of Thrones also pass the time quite good
  • ceramic_golemceramic_golem Member Posts: 10
    I have no trouble filling my time with real-life stuff, but anyone looking for a BG-style computer RPG should look into the Dark Sun AD&D games (DS: Shattered Lands + DS: Wake of the Ravager). Not sure how above-board it is to post links, but they have been freely available for download for some time as abandonware. Think Baldur's Gate, but set in a crazy desert world. Downside is the Dark Sun engine is about five years older than infinity, and it shows. Outlined in my post in the "which game do you want remastered next" thread:

    There's also Al-Qadim: the Genie's Curse. Same game engine, but more like a D&D Zelda game - more focus on the adventure and plot, less on character customization and super tactical squad combat. A real oddball for a D&D game. This one has also been available as abandonware for years now.
  • ChrisYuiChrisYui Member Posts: 94
    Waiting for my party to gather.
  • SilySily Member Posts: 91
    How to fill up time?

    Trying to find a job. Playing a bunch of games, from Neverwinter Nights 2 SoZ to Guild Wars 2, Baldur's Gate 1 and Mount&Blade to name a few.

    Also started watching Sons of Anarchy again, that'll take me a while. And I really should finish reading Poetic Edda, instead of reading Generation Kill and all these other books what I have..
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    edited September 2012
    Inspired by other posters here, I am now playing a new run of DA:O. I had forgotten how good DA:O can be if you know what you want for your character, and if you relax into it with an uncritical, accepting mind.

    I am already head-over-heels in love with Alistair as of making the gates of Ostagar. I was also powerfully attracted to Joram, until he went all darkside for Lily.

    I am looking forward to this.

    I have a mod installed that makes mabari hounds look like black wolves.

    I will probably keep my hound for the whole game, and name him "Boo".

    My planned party is Alistair, Boo, Wynne, and Shale. I am so excited by this new DA:O run, that I will probably delay playing BG:EE until I finish it. In the meantime, I will hope for some downloadable patches and updates to BG:EE that will make it even more awesome than it will be upon release.

    And, I have just been reminded that DA:O plays like a movie if you do no-reload. I feel like I'm a force-sensitive, Jedi version of Princess Leia in my own movie, and Alistair is my Han Solo.

  • SilenceSilence Member Posts: 437
    I'm in academia. I'm going to write up absolutely every experiment I've ever done. And some other peope have done!
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