Wellyn's ghost should not reappear if you give him the bear before he asks for it.
Expected: When talking to Wellyn the first time, he should ask you to find his bear. If you note that you have it already, he will take the bear, thank you and disappear, never to return.
What actually happens: Wellyn takes the bear, disappears, then when you return to the graveyard at night in the future, he will be there again, he will ask you to find his bear, putting the quest in your log. But you already gave it to him, so the quest will remain in your log unable to resolve.
What actually happens: Wellyn takes the bear, disappears, then when you return to the graveyard at night in the future, he will be there again, he will ask you to find his bear, putting the quest in your log. But you already gave it to him, so the quest will remain in your log unable to resolve.