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Valygar no longer himself

Dear all,

I used EE keeper to change Valygar kit from stalker to archer but in the process he is no longer himself. He can no longer wear his armor or katana. I suppose that somehow i messed with his locals variables and I'm afraid of no longer being able to pursue his quests. So I'm currently trying to find his original character file to mend my faults, because in my stupidity, I also wrote on top of the original save file... and I would rather not begin the game again.
Could anyone help me to find his original self?
many thanks in advance


  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,504
    Valygar's personal items are unusable by Archers. You can remove this restriction from the items with Near Infinity. The items are NPCHAN.ITM (Corthala Family Armor) and NPSW04.ITM (Corthala Family Blade). Simply uncheck the "Archer" flag from the "Unusable by (3/4)" field and he should be able to use them again.
  • ChichtaoukChichtaouk Member Posts: 4
    Great Thanks a lot!
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