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Contest Suggestion

AurenRavidelAurenRavidel Member Posts: 139
edited September 2012 in Archive (Feature Requests)
With such a creative fanbase, I think it would be cool for Overhaul Games to run a contest to include a fan-made npc in the next offering. They wouldn't need to be an actual party member, just someone interesting the player can run into during the game. I believe Black Isle actually did this for BG2, if memory serves (the guy who throws his scimitar at you at the docks?).

We've got a lot of tabletop DMs/GMs here too, I'd wager. You could even go so far as to allow them to write a single random encounter.


  • ryu1ryu1 Member Posts: 76
    edited October 2012
    would be kinda fun, I would want to create Elminister's father :)
  • LordsDarkKnight185LordsDarkKnight185 Member Posts: 615
    ryu1 said:

    would be kinda fun, I would want to create Elminister's father :)

    Except the stag king has been deceased for close to a thousand years.
  • Lord_GayLord_Gay Member Posts: 94
    If I were a game company, I would bribe modders with a free game copy if they came up with cool areas to explore or quests to go on. I'd be getting work done very cheaply (one game copy), the game would be more awesome, modders would feel rewarded for their work, others would be inspired to mod, mod quality would go up, the community would be excited to vote on content, and the company would get cool points for caring about and being involved with gamers.

    Sounds like a win for everybody.
  • NWN_babaYagaNWN_babaYaga Member Posts: 732
    thats a cool idea but you have to keep in mind that many events in BG triggers also converations and whatnot for NPC´s so it´s a thing more for the advanced modders i think or not?
  • MatteoTuriniMatteoTurini Member Posts: 105
    It would also be cool to throw a fan-base contest for the creation of a joinable NPC to add to BG 2! I'm pretty sure this will never happen, but it would be cool nonetheless.
  • Lord_GayLord_Gay Member Posts: 94
    Any mod someone made would have to be polished and integrated into a game by devs, but the thing is the lion's share of the work would be done. Coming up with whatever idea for content, mapping the area, creating the NPCs, writing the dialogue, doing whatever work is involved with their mod... that's the hard part. Once that's done, adding it to a game is much easier. Not easy necessarily, but easier than starting from scratch.
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