Question about Dorn and Neera's quests in ToB (spoilers)

I've hit a brick wall in both quests (the dragons in Dorn's and the coliseum in Neera's). In both cases I've used the pocket plane to escape before being wiped out but, having since used the pocket plane to travel elsewhere, can I get back to these quests at a later date somehow - or do I just leave them as uncompleted and risk losing both npcs from the party?
I also did an evil party run through, with Dorn, but did his quest successfully, so I don't know if his works the same way. The dragons are hard to take down in combat; if you go that route concentrate everything you have one the first one. With luck you can kill him before the second has a chance to get involved. Summoning fallen Devas and Planetars helps; they're not terribly effective against the dragons but they can take out the knights and such that are with them so they won't pester you.
It is also possible to make an end run around them; you won't get their scales as a prize or the experience for killing them, but it's a lot safer. I approached their area from the southeast; everybody in my group had speed items ... boots of speed, grandmaster armor and the like ... and we cast haste just before they caught sight of us. Haste + paws of the cheetah = 3x move speed. As soon as their little speech was over, we ran like hell for the rear exit, which is to the south ... hence the need to approach from the SE, shortening the distance you need to travel. (They are confined to that one spot and can't squeeze out through the exits.) We continued running at full speed for the portal back, not stopping to fight anybody.
Not exactly courageous, but it worked.
As for Neera's quest, if you have a saved position from just prior to starting it, I suggest you go back and start it again from scratch.
Oh well, back to the start then, but it won't take too long to catch up and I'll do some things better this time and avoid Neera's quest like the plague (if I can refuse/put off doing it without her leaving) - or maybe I'll swap her for Edwin, hmm.
I found the fight at the end of Rasaad's quest in SoA particularly nasty, btw; definitely the equivalent of the Silver Dragons. MyChar was the only one left standing (barely) amongst a literal sea of corpses. Those Dark Moon guys are mean suckers.
Your thread made me go back and check through various ToB posts, and apparently there are NPC side quests that I never did, because I didn't know they even existed. I recruited all the evil ones for my evil run-through, so I did all their stuff, but there are some good/neutral characters I never got because ... well, because I had no idea they still had baggage to take care of. I did Neera's, Dorn's and Hexxat's quests but ... not Rasaad's.
Rasaad apparently has a ToB side quest, but I never recruited him because he seemed supefluous in the good party I had. Tarnation! Now I have to go back, load up a late saved position, recruit him from the planar pocket and see what I was missing. I suppose I have to check everybody else also. Valygar, Nalia, Cernd, Haer D'Alis ... darn, a whole bunch of yahoos whom I never bothered to recruit have to be checked out.