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Make it possible to get rid of spellcasting delay for good.

GappoGappo Member Posts: 1
edited September 2012 in Archive (Feature Requests)
I always thought that the way Gorion or Irenicus (also Shalandor in TotSC i think) casted spells one right after another without delay was a sign of real power and magic mastery. So, I think its reasonable that at higher levels you should be able to do that without additional spells like acceleration. After all, your PC is a half god and not only do you kill NPC's who can cast spells like that (so you are actually stronger than them) but also their killers (Gorion's killer - Sarevok in this case).

Maybe this isn't a thing for BG1, but rather for BG2 EE but I think it would make Mages much more fun to play. This skill could be made available to lvl 40 characters or after completing some special arcane magic mastery quest.

All in all, figthers can get up to 5 attacks with items. With good thaco this means dealing really good damage one round after another. Why not make Spellcasters powerfull as well?
Post edited by Gappo on


  • kiroskiros Member Posts: 119
    edited September 2012
    Hah thought you had a hard time fighting Irenicus, give him the ability to not have spell delays and let me know how that works out ;)

    In any case spell delay's are part of the game, it allows the player to incorporate strategy into battle's.
    What you see in the cut scene's involving Irenicus is NOT how he functions in real combat against the player.
    God save us all if he did.
  • Thief_Of_NavarreThief_Of_Navarre Member Posts: 26
    As SpaceInvader said the Improved Alacrity HLA makes this possible. Robes of Vecna from the adventurers mart in BG2 help alot as well. (In case you wonder who Vecna is; he's a dead power from the greyhawk campaign setting)
  • SpaceInvaderSpaceInvader Member Posts: 2,125
    kiros said:

    Hah thought you had a hard time fighting Irenicus, give him the ability to not have spell delays and let me know how that works out ;)

    In any case spell delay's are part of the game, it allows the player to incorporate strategy into battle's.
    What you see in the cut scene's involving Irenicus is NOT how he functions in real combat against the player.
    God save us all if he did.

    He has permanent Improved Alacrity with Ascension mod. Funny thing if you are unprepared :p
  • lansounetlansounet Member Posts: 1,182
    Talking about mods :

    Check the Bodies : Mage specific quest can get you permanent aura cleansing power

    Planar Sphere : You can find twice the same short sword that grants aura cleansing while equipped, while giving a penalty of 20 to offhand thac0 (available to multi/dual mages only IIRC)
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