A Forogotten Realms Television Series

I tell you what... I used to think it wasn't possible, but seeing Game of Thrones be successfully done, I think it is. And here's the kicker. Sure you invest in characters, but when they leave, you bring in others. Its not like GoT where you have to follow certain books and they're worried about actors staying with the show. You've got a wonderful world with cool, amazing creatures and areas. I personally think a series set in Icewind Dale would be cheap to make and have a real adventurous feel. Plus they could always leave that area and go to other parts of Faerun... and still come back.
Ah.... Probably a pipe dream. I think about such things though.
Ah.... Probably a pipe dream. I think about such things though.
I'm not saying it couldn't be done, of course. Just saying it'd cost a lot of money to do it right.
Wikipedias article to D&D movie
Scary huh? Imagine a new D&D movie, but even worse than before.
I've basically only seen Nagareboshi Gin as a kid and it was a pretty bloody show, with horror elements, demonic bears and I can't recommend it highly enough. You can find it entirely on youtube with fanmade subtitles, which aren't always the greatest, but I think you can follow the plot. It has a great 80's soundtrack by the way.
If you can find the 23 episode dvd box somewhere, I would urge you to buy it, but I'm not sure if it's actually available with official english subtitles. Here's a clip:
Still, I can see a forgotten realms rl series happening though since game of thrones was ok. Just so long as it doesn't include too much sex.
@LadyRhian Ok I need to play this!!
I'm reminded of this.
And here's the whole film:
It's not perfect, but it's 100x better than that first film.
Unforturnately, the Forgotten Realms gaming world has only been supported by B-grade literature at best.
The Baldur's Gate story is close to having the literary mojo it needs to be made into a good movie. But fleshing out the characters into believable human beings would be a problem, especially since every fan has his or her own ideas about who the characters are, and many times these ideas conflict. Therefore, it would be almost impossible to please most of the fans.
Another problem with a Forgotten Realms movie or tv series would be that, as @AurenRavadel has said, the D&D world is so high magic, that it lends itself very easily to parody, often unintentionally. I just don't think it would work on film without good literature backing it up. Unless it were intentionally played with mixed seriousness and parody, like Hercules, Xena, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, or Charmed. If it could be like those, it could be good, but it would be hard to pull off the right mix of tones.
Acid Mask Face guy- "You're asking me?!"
Hawk the Slayer (Bad 80's cheese with overacting by Jack Palance):
Archer: Fugitive from the Empire- http://www.moviemire.com/index.php/the-archer-fugitive-from-the-empire-1981-tv.html
But to the point. As many have pointed out, the extensive use of magic etc. would make this a highly unlikely contender for a good series. I do, however, think that a brilliant movie could be made from it, if the right resources were put to use.
I think the biggest problem the producers would face would not be how much money to spend, but rather figuring out which direction to take a potential D&D movie. Fantasy has a sad trend of becoming extremely silly, as pointed out by someone above.