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Hi_Its_Me_Imoen1Hi_Its_Me_Imoen1 Member Posts: 15
edited September 2012 in Archive (General Discussion)
So I've been trying to find out what reputation is and how it works by both searching google and these forums but I've only found references to it in other topics and one topic about how someone thinks it SHOULD be rather than how it actually is.

So could someone please help a newbie out and explain? :)


  • WardWard Member Posts: 1,305
    edited September 2012
    Welcome to the forums!

    Reputation is quite simple. It affects you in three ways:

    1. NPCs will enjoy your company if your reputation takes the likeness of their alignment (e.g. good characters prefer higher reputation). Some characters won't even come with you, or leave if you become too hated or too loved.

    2. If your reputation is epic low you'll get attacked by people on sight at random intervals.

    3. Better prices and sometimes conversations (I think some BG1 NPC lovetalks are determined by rep) if you're more loved.

    You gain reputation by doing quests the good way and by generously donating money to churches.
    You lose reputation by doing quests the evil way and by killing civilians.

    Part of the BG1 NPC mod is a bard character who offers to spread rumours of your deeds in order to lower your reputation, this was included for those who need to balance out reputation to keep their NPCs quiet.
  • reedmilfamreedmilfam Member Posts: 2,808
    Cute elfie avatar!

    Reputation goes up when you do good things and down when you do bad things. It starts at 10 and goes from 1 (0?) to 20. High reputation gives a discount at stores, but might make evil characters leave the party. Low reputation can make good characters leave and, if super low, will cause guards to attack the party on sight.

    Guards are really tough.
  • Hi_Its_Me_Imoen1Hi_Its_Me_Imoen1 Member Posts: 15
    Thanks Muchly.
  • DrugarDrugar Member Posts: 1,566

    Reputation goes up when you do good things and down when you do bad things. It starts at 10 and goes from 1 (0?) to 20. High reputation gives a discount at stores, but might make evil characters leave the party. Low reputation can make good characters leave and, if super low, will cause guards to attack the party on sight.

    Guards are really tough.

    Slight correction, the starting reputation for Lawful Good is 12, Neutral and Chaotic good 11, all neutral 10, Lawful and Neutral evil 9, Chaotic Evil 8.

    Other than that, all of the above.
    It doesn't make a lot of sense.
  • The_New_RomanceThe_New_Romance Member Posts: 839
    It's all in the manual, but if you don't have it, here's a nice rundown of all the tables there: - from the effects of exceptional strength to the usefulness of different weapon types against different armours, you can find it here. Reputation and its effects are in the lower quarter of the site.
  • reedmilfamreedmilfam Member Posts: 2,808
    Yes, the specifics are in the manual. I'd forgotten that initial alignment skews reputation - I'm always good when I play, but usually NG/CG, so the small change missed me.

    That site ( is great for the tables; I can't go to gaming sites from here, so I couldn't give her the link.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    It should be noted that the manual (for the vanilla game, anyway) describes the effect of having a 0 reputation. But it's actually impossible to reduce your reputation below 1, so I wouldn't worry about that.
  • AHFAHF Member Posts: 1,376
    edited September 2012
    One important item to note on reputation is that you can raise it by donating to a church. The amount varies on whatever your reputation is, costing more at the extremes.

    Also, whether your reputation is at or above 10 will cause a certain aspect of your character's development to vary depending on whether you are 10+ or below 10. If I was savvy enough to use the spoiler box I would but for now I will leave this point vague.
  • MilesBeyondMilesBeyond Member Posts: 324

    Yes, the specifics are in the manual. I'd forgotten that initial alignment skews reputation - I'm always good when I play, but usually NG/CG, so the small change missed me.

    That site ( is great for the tables; I can't go to gaming sites from here, so I couldn't give her the link.

    Interesting to see those tables. I feel like a lot of the things described in them weren't actually implemented. I know the Magic Defense bonus/penalty from WIS isn't in the game, and I'm 99% sure that the divine magic casting failure from low WIS and the chance of Raise Dead failing from low CON aren't either, neither is the Mage spell limit based on INT (a mage with 9 INT can still cast level 9 spells at level 18).

    Also, it says stores will not sell items at Rep 2 or lower. I know this to be false. It also says a Priest must have 17+ WIS to cast level 6 and 7 spells. Again, false.

    It's interesting to see what was planned but didn't make it into the game. I was really disappointed that the Saving Throw bonuses/penalties from WIS weren't implemented, those would have been a great addition IMHO
  • kilroy_was_herekilroy_was_here Member Posts: 455
    edited September 2012
    If you are a paladin or ranger and your reputation gets too low you will become 'fallen' (below 4 for rangers and below 6 for paladins) and be unable to use most of your class abilities and basically become a fighter with fewer proficiencies. I don't think there is any way to reverse this in BG1.

    Also, as the game progresses you will unlock various special powers based on your reputation, usually following a dream sequence. 10+ you will get abilities like cure light wounds, slow poison and draw upon holy might. 9- will get you Larloch's minor drain, horror and vampiric touch. Currently, when creating a BG2 character (not importing from BG1) you will be awarded abilities based on your alignment, not your reputation since a newly created BG2 char never had a BG1 rep. This may be changed when BG2EE comes around.

    If you go around murdering people at random your reputation will bottom out but your alignment will not change. This is the opposite of NWN and PS:T.

    If you are a mage (CHARNAME only) you can summon a familiar that is also based only on your alignment, not your reputation.

    Finally, there are some ingame items that are alignment restricted, but those are fairly rare, especially in BG1.

    Since there is a discount for high reputation and a markup for high reputation it is best to get to 20 (the maximum) if you have a good or neutral party. If there are any evil party members they will leave if your reputation goes above 18, so that is the best number for an evil party. Good and neutral NPCs will leave if you have an extremely low repuation (except for Imoen who will complain but never leave): good NPCs leave at 2, neutral at 1.

    According to the BG manual you get a 50% discount for a 20 rep, 30% discount for 18 rep, 100% markup for 3 rep. As far as I know this applies to all merchants equally, even thieves guild ones.
    Post edited by kilroy_was_here on
  • GoodSteveGoodSteve Member Posts: 607
    It's also important to note that while Neutral NPC's will leave if your reputation drops to 2 or lower they will not leave if your reputation is maxed out at 20. Some of them will complain about it though (I'm looking at you Jaheira!).
  • kilroy_was_herekilroy_was_here Member Posts: 455
    If I remember correctly neutral NPCs were supposed to have 'happy' lines for when the reputation was in the middle, but for some reason the lines would never trigger. In one of the tweak packs this was corrected; anyone know if that was included in the EE?
  • reedmilfamreedmilfam Member Posts: 2,808
    @GoodSteve What? Jaheira complain? When did that not happen.
  • MilesBeyondMilesBeyond Member Posts: 324


    Also, as the game progresses you will unlock various special powers based on your starting alignment, not your reputation. Even if you go around murdering people at random your reputation will bottom out but your alignment will not change. This is the opposite of NWN and PS:T.

    Nope, abilities are based on reputation. 10+ for good ones, 9- for evil ones.
  • SpaceInvaderSpaceInvader Member Posts: 2,125

    Yes, the specifics are in the manual. I'd forgotten that initial alignment skews reputation - I'm always good when I play, but usually NG/CG, so the small change missed me.

    That site ( is great for the tables; I can't go to gaming sites from here, so I couldn't give her the link.

    Interesting to see those tables. I feel like a lot of the things described in them weren't actually implemented. I know the Magic Defense bonus/penalty from WIS isn't in the game, and I'm 99% sure that the divine magic casting failure from low WIS and the chance of Raise Dead failing from low CON aren't either, neither is the Mage spell limit based on INT (a mage with 9 INT can still cast level 9 spells at level 18).

    Also, it says stores will not sell items at Rep 2 or lower. I know this to be false. It also says a Priest must have 17+ WIS to cast level 6 and 7 spells. Again, false.

    It's interesting to see what was planned but didn't make it into the game. I was really disappointed that the Saving Throw bonuses/penalties from WIS weren't implemented, those would have been a great addition IMHO
    The game would be more SPICY if they could implement them.
  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239
    Also relevant: your Reputation determines the various powers your PC will gain throughout the game - in every chapter, there's a chance that when you rest you'll have a dream that ends with you learning a special ability. If your reputation is lower than 10, it will be an "evil" ability like Larloch's Minor Drain, whereas if it's higher than 10 it will be a "good" ability like healing.
  • kilroy_was_herekilroy_was_here Member Posts: 455
    Really? I could have sworn it was based on alignment...

    Ah, I found the problem. When you started BG2 you inherited your abilities from BG1 based on your alignment since BG2 has no idea what your reputation was in BG1. I will edit my post now... :)
  • AHFAHF Member Posts: 1,376
    You guys may want to put that in spoiler text since this thread is perfect for newbies trying to understand the mechanics of reputation and the dreams, et al, are something nice to experience raw for your first run, IMO.
  • kilroy_was_herekilroy_was_here Member Posts: 455
    We don't spoil why you're having dreams or what's in them...

    I suppose you're right, but it's not really an important point compared to the other twists in the game. 'They WILL learn...' hehehe
  • The_New_RomanceThe_New_Romance Member Posts: 839
    Still would be cool to have it in spoiler brackets, it's a big surprise when all of a sudden you're in it.
  • kilroy_was_herekilroy_was_here Member Posts: 455
    It's a surprise that you have a dream? I'm not trying to troll anyone (honest!) but I don't understand what you mean. IRL I dream all the time.
  • reedmilfamreedmilfam Member Posts: 2,808
    I never knew you got different powers based on Rep. I'm always good, so that has a lot to do with it.

    Bigger challenge will be keeping REP low enough that Viconia doesn't bail. Never went with her in the past and want to see if she's really a good character, or if she's favored because she has the tramp factor down.
  • AHFAHF Member Posts: 1,376

    Bigger challenge will be keeping REP low enough that Viconia doesn't bail. Never went with her in the past and want to see if she's really a good character, or if she's favored because she has the tramp factor down.

    You only need to keep it 18 or below. It isn't that hard as long as you keep an eye on it. In fact, she will bring a 20 rep party down to 18 with her drow reputation -2 so you can always pick her up no matter where you are in the game.
  • MilesBeyondMilesBeyond Member Posts: 324

    Really? I could have sworn it was based on alignment...

    Ah, I found the problem. When you started BG2 you inherited your abilities from BG1 based on your alignment since BG2 has no idea what your reputation was in BG1. I will edit my post now... :)

    That would do it. Frigging BG2 throwing a wrench into everything
  • AHFAHF Member Posts: 1,376

    Really? I could have sworn it was based on alignment...

    Ah, I found the problem. When you started BG2 you inherited your abilities from BG1 based on your alignment since BG2 has no idea what your reputation was in BG1. I will edit my post now... :)

    That would do it. Frigging BG2 throwing a wrench into everything
    Baldur's Gate Trilogy is the answer to many of these continuity issues. Hopefully, BGEE will be the final answer!

  • mercyfulfate1988mercyfulfate1988 Member Posts: 43
    I remember when I started playing BG1 I played a paladin. I saw the guards in Candlekeep wearing plate and I was certain I wasn't going to get a set for a while. I started killing the guards to get the platemail and after my rep took a dive I didn't notice I become a fallen paladin. I honestly thought before I started killing the guards "there is no way they put in a fallen paladin system". That is one reason BG is so awesome!
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