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Removing an innate ability from a creature

KalindorKalindor Member Posts: 51
I am making a custom kit and I want the player to obtain a one-time-use ability upon levelling up. I've successfully given them the ability in the kit's CLAB file, but am having trouble removing it. I placed an opcode 172 (remove spell) as a casting effect of the spell with the spell's filename indicated in the resource field, but it still comes back after I rest. I saw that there was a bug with 8-character-long filenames and this opcode, but my spell file's name is only 7 characters. Please let me know if you have any insight. Thanks!


  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited October 2015
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  • KalindorKalindor Member Posts: 51
    That worked like a charm, thank you subtledoctor. I was not aware that the "global effects" feature existed and that it was distinct from the spell effects. Obviously there is different functionality. What kind of uses do global effects have for modding? Thanks.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,504
    Global effects are executed immediately and therefore cannot be interrupted. For example, the Pocket Plane ability (SPIN649.SPL) uses it restore itself. It's also used in several instances to set global variables, which can be picked up in combat scripts, and so on.
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