Hexxat's ToB quest
Member Posts: 1,603
Hexxat's ToB quest triggered when I was in the middle of a very cunning plan (as is the wont of these things) but luckily had a dialogue option that went along the lines of Hexxat saying "If we can't go there now, talk to me later". However, when I'd finished knitting an internal combustion engine while simultaneously fabricating a chocolate teapot I was unable to start a dialogue with her and she has remained mute ever since - does this quest require a second trigger of some kind, or have I missed an opportunity?
I recommend you make a hardsave now however because this quest is quite buggy, and bring along a high level evil cleric or a mage, because:
You need to get rid of a lich at some point, and some scripted event supposedly occurs at that moment but it often fails. And the only way to sort it out is to imprison the lich either with an imprisonment of your own or her own one cast on herself. Oh and be sure you have Dragomir's Cloak after that encounter.