Cloakwood Mines

Hey guys. What I want to know is, basically, when it would be the best time to go into Cloakwood Mines. I've heard it's a pretty tough fight with a load of levels in it, so I was just wondering what kind of level you should be before going for it. I'm raring for a good fight in the game, but my party's levels range only from 5-6 and I'm not too keen on getting completely wiped out. Advice is welcomed!
At levels 5-6 you shouldn't have any trouble as long as you have a spellcaster in your party.
On to Baldurs Gate!
If you be line your way towards cloakwood, definitely use your potions/scrolls etc. That said, by the time you're at the bottom of the cloakwood mines, you'll likely want some way to dispel magic or have a decent stockpile of magic blocking/resistance potions available for a front liner.