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what will the level cap be for bgee?

creator1629creator1629 Member Posts: 66
edited September 2012 in Archive (General Discussion)
i used to play a mage back when bg was first released. will spells be available all the way to level 9? or is that something that will only come around during bgee2 like it was in the original


  • MilesBeyondMilesBeyond Member Posts: 324
    I'm assuming the level cap will be same as it was with TotSC (which I believe is roughly level 11-12, depending on class). Even if it's higher, you'll probably have one heck of a difficult time trying to get the XP to get up there.

    I would assume spell level 5 as a maximum for your mages, with level 6 being a possibility if you really put your heart into levelling up.
  • BoasterBoaster Member Posts: 622
    Level 13 should be the cap.
  • creator1629creator1629 Member Posts: 66
    oh ok thank you very much for the information guys, cant wait till its released
  • DragonspearDragonspear Member Posts: 1,838
    the current ToTSC Level caps:

    Barb/Fighter: 9
    Ranger/Paladin/Cleric/Mage/Sorcerer: 8
    Druid/Bard/Thief/Monk: 10

    I think if I remember correctly Phil said they weren't looking to increase the level caps for the main campaign at this time.
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853

    the current ToTSC Level caps:

    Barb/Fighter: 9
    Ranger/Paladin/Cleric/Mage/Sorcerer: 8
    Druid/Bard/Thief/Monk: 10

    I think if I remember correctly Phil said they weren't looking to increase the level caps for the main campaign at this time.

    Mage and Sorceror can hit level 9.

    (Also, ToTSC's cap is 161,000 for anyone who might not know.)
  • DragonspearDragonspear Member Posts: 1,838
    My mistake Quartz for some reason I thought they got stuck there. Apparently fighters are stuck at level 8 however as well as paladin/ranger. So here are the updates

    Fighter/Barbarian/Ranger/Paladin/Cleric: 8
    Mage/Sorcerer: 9
    Druid/Bard/Thief/Monk: 10

    (I believe the Monk uses the thief experience table not the cleric one)
  • TheGreatKhanTheGreatKhan Member Posts: 106
    I was actually under the impression the level cap was risen quite a bit.
  • DragonserpentDragonserpent Member Posts: 15
    Just looked it up, and it seems monks do share a cleric's xp table. At least, according to Planet Baldurs gate they do.
  • IsairIsair Member Posts: 217
    I hope it's risen enough to allow another level for all classes. I've been thinking it'd be 300000.
    That'd allow:

    Fighter/Barbarian/Ranger/Paladin/Cleric/Monk: 9
    Mage/Sorcerer: 10
    Bard/Thief: 11
    Druid: 12

    Druid aside it's a slight increase & results in one extra level. If it is 300000 I imagine alot of people will be contemplating Avenger. though maybe not.
  • GloomfrostGloomfrost Member Posts: 275
    Just off memory the level cap for TOTSC was 161,000 . It would be great to raise it! Start BG2 more powerful!
  • DragonspearDragonspear Member Posts: 1,838

    The only problem I have with raising the cap that high is that we'd end up with druids spending most of BG2EE gaining only 2 levels for most of the game =(
  • IsairIsair Member Posts: 217
    @Dragonspear very true but slow leveling has always been a problem for druids at later levels. By the same token there should be less of a wait to push through level 13 - 15 which are the massive leaps in required XP. So being able to get more XP in BG1 should help move you towards getting you past those difficult levels later on in BG2.
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