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Incorrect definitions in SPLPROT.2DA

argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
SPLPROT.2DA, which is used to target specific groups of creatures, contains a couple of incorrect entries.

Entries 39 and 40:
39 0x10d 7 1 // target "Paladins" 40 0x10d 7 5 // target "Not Paladins"
These entries are currently targetting CLASS/FIGHTER_MAGE (7) instead of CLASS/PALADIN (6). It's used in the spell "Cloud of Pestilence" (SPPR423), as Paladins are immune to magical disease. Currently, only Fighter/Mages are immune to this spell.

Entries 47 and 48:
47 0x104 32 27 // target "breathing" creatures 48 0x103 32 27 // target "non-breathing" creatures
These entries are more complicated to interpret, as they are using several indirections.
The fully expanded entry 47 currently targets "Not match (Not match (GENERAL/UNDEAD or RACE/MYCONID) or RACE/GOLEM)".
The fully expanded entry 48 currently targets "Match (Not match (GENERAL/UNDEAD or RACE/MYCONID) or RACE/GOLEM)".
The intention is to match all "breathing" creatures (i.e. all but Undead, Myconids and Golems) in entry 47 and all non-breathing targets in entry 48, but in both cases the intended targets don't match. It's currently used in the INNATE_MUSTARD_JELLY_VAPOR ability (SPIN164) for the Mustard Jellies in area AR9707.
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