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Saves from OS X to iOS?

So, the export function in iOS is fabulous. It's the epitome of butt-kicking for goodness. (Maybe not, but it is awesome.)
What I want to know though:
Is there a way to get the same type of export-file from the OS X version? I.e. a ".bg1save"-extension file?

Feels like there should be some way to simply pack the folder in some way otherwise... (iFunpack is the only other solution I've found for OS X -> iOS though that seems to require a jailbreak. Been there, done that, and don't really want it.)
Also, I read that EE Keeper is supposed to support that file-ending, maybe it's just my Wined version that doesn't, but how do I get that file to show up when I want to choose the save to edit? (Yes, I have a full install on OS X and can edit other saved games perfectly.)

So, why do I want this other than the obvious reason of being able to play switch between playing the game on my computer and my i-devices? The other day I lost my familiar, an imp gone spider (permanently, the bug has been reported as far as I've seen) refusing to be put in my pack and though it worked well RP-wise with my character (a drow - of course I should have a spider!) it was quite annoying when it kept dying during circumstances where I would've put it in my pack. Eventually I couldn't bother reloading because the pet had died - so there I was with my -1 CON and I want to remove that flag, since if the familiar bug hadn't been there I would've had it alive and full CON.


  • IngenjoerIngenjoer Member Posts: 6
    I'm going to give this a bump to see if there's anyone who knows?
  • VoldemortVoldemort Member Posts: 3
    Bumping this again. The .bg1save file is apparently a package containing the .SAV and .GAM files (which the Mac version can open if put in the saved games folder, I tried). You can extract both files with Pacifist. However, I couldn't find a way to modify the packaged files so as to put ones from the Mac version and send it to iOS, as Ingenjoer described. Any ideas on how to modify the package file?
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    Rename it into a .zip and open it. Then you can do whatever with it.
  • VoldemortVoldemort Member Posts: 3
    OMG, why didn't I think of that... Thanks a lot, this seems to work perfectly, even user journal notes were copied. I hope nothing breaks down further down the road. If someone has completed the game with several round trips between desktop Mac and iOS without any weirdness, please post. Thanks a lot.
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    @Voldemort nothing weird happens. I've done it several times (now I've switched completely to my macbook).
  • VoldemortVoldemort Member Posts: 3
    Thanks a lot @CrevsDaak.
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