Ermmm ... you'll probably need to be more specific. When does Melicamp die? Is it because the wolf kills him (on the map where you first meet him) before you've collected him? Or do you mean after you've taken him to Thalantyr, that your game is crashing if the Antichickenator spell fails? Or some other time?
I've no idea what causes your problem, but being more specific might help someone else to help you.
Ah. Okay, that's a random chance (as you probably realise) - sometimes the spell will succeed and Melicamp will survive, other times he'll die.
Obviously, however, the game isn't supposed to crash if he dies. Is it immediate? Or after a little while, or a further dialogue, or a purchase from Thalantyr, or on exiting High Hedge, or any other specific condition?
I've still no idea what's wrong, but further narrowing down might still help someone else to figure it out.
Well that certainly sounds as if there's a bug in there somewhere, but obviously not one which always applies, since it doesn't happen to me, and presumably doesn't happen to many people (else we'd have heard of it before).
I suggest
1) move this thread to the Bug-reporting section; and
2) describe what hardware and o/s you're running on; and
3) attach a savegame from just before the event, so that experts can have a look to see if (for example) something has gone awry in the status variables (which can often be the cause of unintended behaviours).
It might take a day or two for the experts to look at it and respond.
Hmm...I'm not sure why the game would be crashing. Melicamp's death seems like its pretty straightforward. The only thing I could think of would be is if his death animation wasn't working correctly.
I've no idea what causes your problem, but being more specific might help someone else to help you.
Obviously, however, the game isn't supposed to crash if he dies. Is it immediate? Or after a little while, or a further dialogue, or a purchase from Thalantyr, or on exiting High Hedge, or any other specific condition?
I've still no idea what's wrong, but further narrowing down might still help someone else to figure it out.
I suggest
1) move this thread to the Bug-reporting section; and
2) describe what hardware and o/s you're running on; and
3) attach a savegame from just before the event, so that experts can have a look to see if (for example) something has gone awry in the status variables (which can often be the cause of unintended behaviours).
It might take a day or two for the experts to look at it and respond.
What system are you running the game on and do you have any mods installed?