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Journal Entry When Kicking Dorn Out?

I got a journal entry when I kicked Dorn out...something like "Good riddance to bad rubbish." What does this journal entry do? I don't get similar entries when I kick out Neera or Rasaad, so I'm worried that it's somehow going to affect my ability to later complete his quest or have him rejoin (currently at the part where I'm supposed to go to BG to find Simmeon, but haven't tried since I'm only chapter 2).


  • GallowglassGallowglass Member Posts: 3,356
    It's just informational. No effect on rejoining him later, completing his quest, etc. Dorn can be dismissed and rejoin loads of times, and he always threatens you that "these mistakes add up" when you kick him out, but (so far as I can tell) he's bluffing, it doesn't actually add up.
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