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Thieving and selling in PS:T

SharguildSharguild Member Posts: 186
Most of us realize that in this game, like most BG type games, that when you sell items that you may accumulate in quantity ( like a copper ring) it's best to have as many accumulated as possible in inventory before selling, as the price drops considerably for what merchants will pay after the initial sale.
In BG, if one party member has a full stack of say, long swords for sale and two other party members do as well, 1st person will get full price while selling but even if you stay on the sale screen and switch character, the second seller gets the price dropped.

Not so in PS:T 1st person gets full price, so does 2nd, 3rd, etc get full price, as long as you don't cancel out of the sell screen and then try to sell again.

Quite profitable if you for example, put all your copper rings and bracelets accumulated off of the many Sigil thieves you killed into a barrel (where they will keep forever) and then load up your party members and sell them all at once. Once you've done this with a merchant, of course the purchase price then drops and you need to repeat with a different merchant ( of which there are many in the Hive, Rag-pickers, catacombs etc...).

Why bother to do this? Because the bloody tattoos at Fell's shop are EXPENSIVE even with a "Friends" spell activated giving you 20+ Charisma. And those tattoos are incredibly worthwhile!

As far as thieving from shops go, most should know that increasing either Annah's pick-pocket skill or the N.O.s skill pick-pocketing as a Thief is what determines your success stealing from shops.

Having your PC (the N.O.) trained as a Thief before training as a Mage becomes incredibly valuable in this regard as in the Hive alone, you can get his pick-pockets skill up to 90+% !!!
Then pick-pocket EVERYONE ( as tedious as it may be, it is worthwhile, just dedicate an hour to doing so, you will be glad you did).

Again, regarding tedium, you are better off to SAVE after each pick-pocket. Even with a 90+, you WILL fail on a couple and you will curse not having saved. Just make a routine of it and Zen yourself into it.
Some shops will also become inaccessible later in game (e.g. Mebbeth) so get what you can, when you can!

FYI, there is no rep hit for stealing, unless you get caught! Also, if you get caught, reload, or you have closed off that merchant for the remainder of the game (same with civys).

Personally, I run N.O. as a thief throughout the Hive and attached districts to get what I can, then Convert to Mage (via Mebbeth). I then convert to Thief (via Annah) to steal the other wards blind once I get there, before converting back to Mage (via Dak'kon).
I keep my loot in barrels until I have a huge amount then fill each party member up and sell it all at once ( per ward - to get the best price).

Also, later in the game, you will not have access to some of the simple but very useful gear these early shops offer. Again, get it while you can!

Hope these hints put a bit more jink in yer purse berk!

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