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Dorn's Blackguard armour

RedGuardRedGuard Member Posts: 672
edited September 2012 in Archive (Feature Requests)
I did ask this in the screenshot thread, but it seems to get lost in the rush to comment on the UI itself. I think this is worth taking a look at though.

Will Dorn come with or be able to acquire a set of Blackgaurd armour like he does in his portrait and other art shown for the character?

The new screenshot seems to show a normal set of armour, I think all you need in terms of looks is a normal set of armour in his colour scheme as shown in the character art (though with a horned helmet to be more accurate than the one with the plume he is apparently wearing in the new screenshot).



Though I'm wondering if maybe any possible Blackguard armour should be largely black or black with some deep purple highlights like in Dorn's portrait (as seen below).



  • SilenceSilence Member Posts: 437
    Well I think he already comes with a very evil I don't know if I want him to get special evil armour instead. I mean, what I'm saying is...I want that evil armour!
  • RedGuardRedGuard Member Posts: 672
    Yeah, I almost forgot about his sword. I'm hoping he manages to acquire that badass two-handed sword in game.
  • DrugarDrugar Member Posts: 1,566
    If I recall correctly, he starts with his own sword. It's part of the deal he made with the darker powers.
  • ArchaonArchaon Member Posts: 24
    Look at the active effects on the character... I can't distinguish them, they seem new to me, and they surely have something to do with that sword or perhaps even some other piece of equipment...
  • SceptenarSceptenar Member Posts: 606
    edited September 2012
    Archaon said:

    Look at the active effects on the character... I can't distinguish them, they seem new to me, and they surely have something to do with that sword or perhaps even some other piece of equipment...

    The icons are from BG2, the first is immunity to fear, the second is negative plane protection. The blackguard kit details thread says that they have immunity to level drain and fear.

  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    I'd be happy with just a "Dorn's Armor" item, which can be used by anyone but is basically just Plate Armor that's black. Same thing with the helmet.
  • xLegionxxLegionx Member Posts: 197
    Dorn's armor looks remarkably similar to Sarevok's armor now that I look at it.

    I like the UI as well and the golden buttons look fabulous! :)
  • SilenceSilence Member Posts: 437
    His eyes look the same too!
  • RedGuardRedGuard Member Posts: 672
    edited September 2012
    I get the eyes looking glowy, but I'm not so sure there's much similarity in the armour design. Dorn's armour covers him from head to toe whereas Sarevok's left parts of him uncovered and had a lot more sharp spike protruding from the armour. Not to mention the vastly different colour schemes.
  • RabainRabain Member Posts: 39
    It would be nice if something like this was a reward for a Dorn specific encounter in The Black Pits.
  • RedGuardRedGuard Member Posts: 672
    Rabain said:

    It would be nice if something like this was a reward for a Dorn specific encounter in The Black Pits.

    @Rabain Does the Black Pits allow the new NPC's to be imported? I expect it's possible since the new NPC's aren't going to have the same restrictions as the old ones, but I wonder if Beamdog are going to do that considering they would be the only ones allowed to be imported.

    Though I agree that it would be cool for a Dorn specific encounter/quest, I'd much rather it be as part of the BG1 main game and not the Black Pits since they appear to be largely separate to BG1.
  • RabainRabain Member Posts: 39
    I am assuming Black Pits takes place late in the game, probably Chapter 5+ as it takes part in the Underdark. Also I doubt Black Pits is like a mini game you load up and play and then go back to BG, I'd assume it is just a quest to a new area and you use your current party.

    I'd rather personalised armor was useful and worthwhile and if it comes to early it would be overpowered if good and underpowered if weak. The last thing you would want is to be throwing away his armor for some Full Plate +2 or something.

  • RedGuardRedGuard Member Posts: 672
    You can't actually use your party in the Black Pits. It's a stand alone adventure.
  • RabainRabain Member Posts: 39
    That's interesting, is there more info on how Black Pits is accessed? That could open up a world of opportunity for mods. I'm thinking of things like Total Conversions and IWD in BG2 engine (I think it was called Icewind Gate at

    As for Dorns armor, I guess Black Pits is not the ideal place then.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    That would be ironic.

    "Hey Dorn, I found this sweet armor for you! Dorn? ...Dorn? Huh. Oh well; guess it's mine then."
    "Dorn, what's wrong?"
    "N...nothing. I just got really pissed off and jealous for some reason."
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