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which pc to play it on

GilgalahadGilgalahad Member Posts: 237
edited September 2012 in Archive (General Discussion)
What a dilemna!! I originally built this new computer and planned to play all my older games as well as BG:EE and all subsequent games to come on it(my 1st attempt at building my own and it didn't blow up so all good) but seeing as i run this computer on a 19" monitor with highest res of 1440X990, and from reading posts i see that BG:EE should run well on my 29" monitor system with 1920X1080 res...i may reconsider. Both rigs runs the same I5 processors but differ in mobo. I also run 2 ati 5850's with the 29" whereas i only run 1 nvidia 570gtx with the 19". No doubt it'll run well on both, but wondering if it'll be worth running on my bigger rig or not. If only all of life's dilmenas were this win-win lol.


  • Fake_SketchFake_Sketch Member Posts: 217
    edited September 2012
    Id go ahead and play it on both depending on your mood (Why'd someone have 2 desktop computers for himself is beyond me though).
  • The_New_RomanceThe_New_Romance Member Posts: 839
    edited September 2012
    I don't think you'll notice a difference of any kind with a 14-year-old game that has had its code cleaned up. It'll probably run as well on your monster machine as on my middle aged notebook.
  • GilgalahadGilgalahad Member Posts: 237
    edited September 2012
    i'm strange that way sketch lol. Actually it's because i use my main rig as gaming only. It's barebones as far as any other programs. It's basically empty except for games and the unfortunate neccessity of garbage like steam, origin and for starcraft2. This new-built puter i bought parts specifically for nothing but old games, online movies and media, internet surfing etc etc. as the components and general strengths and speed of the system are weaker than my game rig but more than strong enough for what i use/need it for. Makes sense to this old bear but without posting specs on both rigs which i won't as it's really not neccessary, others may not see that. I probably missed some point i wanted to make as i tend to get long-winded with my explanations for some quirky reason. It's also a habit(much to my ex-wife's chagrin) i've had since my early days of computers and even then i couldn't explain why i liked having 2 vic-20's or 3 c-64's or 2 amigas.
  • triclops41triclops41 Member Posts: 207
    edited September 2012
    Not sure what kind of answer you want. If you unlocked your framerates for this game, both systems would be in the hundreds.
    Baldur's Gate would not have problems running on something with the power of a Gamecube.

    That said, you are not alone. I have three powerful gaming systems right now (desktop, HTPC, and one sitting in my closet not knowing what to do) and a laptop that can do a little bit with its low end discrete card. I like building systems as much as I like playing games on them.
  • GilgalahadGilgalahad Member Posts: 237
    I suppose at the end of the day i was just curious about folk's opinions but after reading a bit more on the specs and what resolutions will be supported i'd be happier running it on my 29" monitor in 1920x1080 since it will be supported. The old BG's, IWD's or even NWN's i'd probably never run on anything more than my 19" screen since even with the widescreen mod for them i'd max res at 1440x900.
  • triclops41triclops41 Member Posts: 207

    I suppose at the end of the day i was just curious about folk's opinions but after reading a bit more on the specs and what resolutions will be supported i'd be happier running it on my 29" monitor in 1920x1080 since it will be supported. The old BG's, IWD's or even NWN's i'd probably never run on anything more than my 19" screen since even with the widescreen mod for them i'd max res at 1440x900.

    So you are asking if it will look like ass when blown up on a bigger screen? :)
  • GilgalahadGilgalahad Member Posts: 237
    edited September 2012

    roflmao! i suppose in my back-handed, long winded way i am indeed asking that.

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