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Why do I get the feeling that most wishes for changes makes the game easier?

LindeblomLindeblom Member Posts: 257
I have read some of the suggestions for changes and I must say I don't agree with many of them.

Inclusion of new weapons; No one is asking for +1. A +7 vorpal weapon would be nice, right?
NPC's and Items earlier in the game; Having all equipment and all NPC's as early as possible in the game would be nice, right?
Show us the Area of effect for Fireballs, webs etc so we don't kill our NPC's.
Let us choose one of a paired couple of NPC's without both leaving.
I do not want to lose my items if a NPC leaves.

To me this is NOT enhancing the game, it is just making it easier.

In my mind there was a reason items were put where they are. If you want a really good NPC you need to sign up his lousy companion. A misplaced fireball will kill half your party.

I just realized this looks kind of negative but I can assure you I will love the game no matter how it comes out, but if it's not broken don't fix it. Guess we all have different opinions on broken =)


  • ElectricMonkElectricMonk Member Posts: 599
    I've actually been thinking the same thing. Although I do like some of the suggestions, it does seem that a large majority of them tend toward making the game easier. My top priority for implementation would be things like strategic ai enhancements (which have been suggested via scs, scsII, etc.) but I understand that these are harder to implement as well. That being said, I do trust that the devs are well aware of what they're doing, so I'm not really too worried about it, I'm sure the final product will be beyond satisfactory.
  • LindeblomLindeblom Member Posts: 257
    You do have a point and you have read the forum better than I have. I do also know that I am a little bit afraid to see the game I have loved for so long change for (in my eyes) something worse.
    I am usually much more for positive than negative responses, will try to keep that in mind for the future.

    But I still think I am right ;P
  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    Not all requests are automatically going to be implemented. Just because you disagree with the majority of them it doesn't mean the final product won't suit your tastes, or will be too different from the original. On my part, I have put forth a bunch of cosmetic requests that I believe would help to maintain the original feel of Baldur's Gate.
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    Just gonna wait for a Tatics mod in Weimar style anyway when i desire a true challenge XD!
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    @technophobe Well, nothing is more constructive than calling the players morons. :P

    Modern gaming may have been simplified over the years, but I hardly think that everyone who plays video games in 2012 is a moron just because they've grown accustomed to certain features.
  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738
    I also don't think that complexity automatically equates to a better game.

    Just like in the real world, sometimes simplicity makes things better.
  • RazorRazor Member Posts: 436
    My only request is that we stay away from influences from today's big hit games. BG engine started it all, since then so many games copied and/or were inspired on it (for weapons, names, races etc). Let's not change now our BG to copy the games that followed! Every guy out there making an RPG is making up stuff, but d&d have strict rules and respecting them is my only request.
    An extreme example is, vampires don't shine when they step into the sun.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    An extreme example is, vampires don't shine when they step into the sun.
    Sure they do. Right before they burn. ;)
  • HeroicSpurHeroicSpur Member Posts: 907
    I have to agree with @Tanthalas here, my impression of the requests thus far is that only a handful of them would make the game easier. Many of the convenience tweaks have nothing to do with difficulty, and I think one would be stretched to say that they represent the game being dumbed down (simultaneous shop use in multiplayer, larger stacks etc)

    It's also worth noting that there have been specific requests too for more/more advanced difficulty options, for example to control the extent enemies pre-buff among other things.

    Also @Razor: Trent has made it pretty clear that any changes they implemented have to go through an approval pipeline, those changes that aren't rules compliant are unlikely to make it. In fact earlier he said that any changes to the rules were pretty much out of the question, so you can rest easy on that front.
  • MalcoreMalcore Member Posts: 2
    I agree that over simplifying the game would take away from its flavor but there are some quality of life issues that wouldn't hurt. In specific I think it would be nice if there was a way to meet some of the companion NPC's earlier but I am not sure how that would work unless you could sneak into Baldur's Gate itself before the gates are opened. There are a bunch of interesting NPC's in there.
  • RhadagastRhadagast Member Posts: 2
    I kind of agree with the OP. If they change too much, it won't be the same game for me anymore. Really, the only changes I want (besides putting it in hi def and porting to the iPad) is improving the pathfinding and maybe make ammo stack in groups of 40. And I won't be dissapointed if they don't do that last one.

    The game doesn't need to be made more like Baldur's Gate 2(my second favorite game) any more than Baldur's gate 2 needs to be made more like Baldur's Gate 1. Let them be what they are.

    Baldur's gate is my all time favorite game for a reason. Masterpieces don't need to be changed. They just need the dirt and grime cleaned off of them every once in a while.
  • kiskilllillakiskilllilla Member Posts: 2
    would you open up a 'competition' for players to design weapons at some point?
  • BoasterBoaster Member Posts: 622
    An extreme example is, vampires don't shine when they step into the sun.
    Except for them stupid twilight vampires. UGH!
  • BoasterBoaster Member Posts: 622
    Inclusion of new weapons; No one is asking for +1. A +7 vorpal weapon would be nice, right?
    NPC's and Items earlier in the game; Having all equipment and all NPC's as early as possible in the game would be nice, right?
    Again, this goes back to pointing out that the item ideas I put forward are not exclusively put forward for BG1 EE or BG2 EE.

    And as @Tanthalas said, the item requests (as put forth by me anyway) were for the under represented items.

    Now bear in mind, BG2 did pick up the slack a bit and gave some pretty sweet mods to some of the generally under represented items (Ravager +6).

    BG1 should probably, in my estimation, have all items represented up to at the most magical +3. BG2 should probably have items represented to at most +5, but there's already +6 items in there (i.e. Ravager +6).

    BG1 was Warrior friendly. BG2 was mage friendly (except in the city).

    So even if there is an extravagant +7 weapon suggested, why discount the idea? BG2 is, generally speaking, a spell-heavy, mage-friendly game.

    Besides, I don't think the creators/designers of the EE's would accept such an extravagant suggestion anyway.

    The beauty of players suggesting items, spells, NPC stuff, etc. is that it gives the designers an idea of what is lacking while using their own best judgment in a possible compromisable addition.
  • LindeblomLindeblom Member Posts: 257
    But do they really make the game better? A sword like Lilarcor does (in my eyes) make the game better, not because it make's it easier to kill monsters (maybe for a while) but because of the totally meaningless banter that makes me smile more often that not.
    For the same reason I also like the belt of opposite sex. It can be hilarious at times if you bother to use it on your npc's. Maybe implement this somehow in the enhanced edition. I still think most people would prefer a girdle of giant strength though.
    Same with npc's, I sometimes see people not liking this or that character cause his stats sucks. It's easy to forget pesonality...I'd rather have an interesting character with 10 in each stat than a boring one with 22.
    I must also confess that I am very outdated when it comes to games nowadays so maybe I see it from an old obsolete angle. But I do trust them to give me another load of hours to waste in Baldurs Gate and it's surroundings.
  • BoasterBoaster Member Posts: 622
    I share the sentiment that some of the newer generation of gamers want a quick-paced button masher game, to the effects of Diablo 2. Trust me, playing in that game it went from actually using a character for his own stats to everyone going and getting an Enigma to teleport around. No one wanted to walk anymore with a Runeword with Teleport on it.

    I'm not wanting a game that's easier on account of items. Though, I would like all items to be well represented with their own unique flavor: this is why some have made mods of their own to fix/adjust the original.

    If someone suggested a +7 Item, I would likely discount it before even reading it myself. However, if a +7 item was implemented and I saw it was "Cursed" with some wild draw back effect (minus 3 strength, or transfers 1 health to target) then it might be a fair addition. Personally, I wouldn't use a Cursed item very often with -3 Strength or transfers health away.

    Under represented items being represented in a "wow thats pretty neat"-like fashion, but without being to extravagant, is what the desired outcome should be.
  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    While Baldur's Gate is clearly superior from all standpoints, I would still advocate that Diablo 2 had its dignity as a CRPG. Lots of dignity, in fact. Or maybe it's just the memories I attach to the time I played it. Nevertheless, Baldur's Gate is too good to be bent to the whims of the new, trendy generation of spoiled little kids (we got an idiom for them, but I can't translate it).
  • kiskilllillakiskilllilla Member Posts: 2
    @Aosaw- thanks. Haven't been on in a while. Will follow link now.
  • ZeckulZeckul Member Posts: 1,036
    While Baldur's Gate is clearly superior from all standpoints, I would still advocate that Diablo 2 had its dignity as a CRPG.
    I like Diablo very much, but I wouldn't call it an RPG. It's a hack-and-slash/item lottery with highly refined gameplay and artistic presentation.

  • Space_hamsterSpace_hamster Member Posts: 950
    Thankfully, I doubt the vast majority of these game changes will make it. It sounds like the BG team is mostly focusing on cosmetic changes to the graphic engine, while leaving the game world and rules alone (except for obvious bug fixes).
  • Space_hamsterSpace_hamster Member Posts: 950
    Don't worry. We're not going to dumb down BG. Anything we do to make the game easier will be on the usability side. Rules-wise, we've got a few areas that need clean-up due to the move to the ToB engine (thief skills come to mind) but it will play and feel like BG. The game will remain a pretty hard core 2nd edition D&D game, even on the iPad. While this might limit the appeal of the title, we're hoping the sales across all platforms make this worth the effort we've put in, which has been substantial.


    Awesome feedback. ;)
    Now back to work!
  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    @TrentOster - Being a hard-core 2nd edition AD&D game actually makes BG very appealing to me! :-)
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    @TrentOster Sounds good.
  • pklooppkloop Member Posts: 113
    The game will remain a pretty hard core 2nd edition D&D game, --------sweet...
    , While this might limit the appeal of the title----------no it won't :-)
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