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[Not an Issue] Hexxat: Heal or Harm?

fkirenicusfkirenicus Member Posts: 331
edited January 2016 in BGII:EE Bugs (v1.3.2064)
When I found and got the real Hexxat as a party member I thought - what, with she being Undead after all - that I had to memorize some Inflict Wounds spell in order to able to heal her, since (as far as I can remember from 2nd Edition AD&D) healing spells cause harm to Undead, whereas harming spells heal them.
Not so - which is fair enough from a gamer's perspective (no need to stack up on harming spells in order to keep an Undead creature ...well, alive).

Question is, though: should it be? :-)
Should a healing spell work on Hexxat, given the fact she is Undead - should she in fact be harmed by such a spell?
Post edited by Gate70 on


  • MaxxximusMaxxximus Member Posts: 322
    @elminster any ideas?
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited January 2016
    Harm wouldn't really work since it requires you to successfully hit an opponent. It's a neat idea for a mod and feature request, but I think for gameplay purposes it's best to keep things as they are.
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