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All undead creatures should be immune to fear effects

While exploring the third level of Dragon's Eye (Presio and her undead creations) I have noticed that the Undead Lieutenants are susceptible to fear effects.

A closer inspection revealed that a great number of undead creatures are not immune to fear effects:
CRYPTHNG.CRE (Crypt Thing)
LSKARMSW.CRE (Armored Skeleton)
MYRKULS.CRE (Myrkul's Sending)
REVNANT.CRE (Revenant)
RNDCRYP.CRE (Crypt Thing)
RNDREVN.CRE (Revenant)
RNDSKLW.CRE (Skeleton Warrior)
SKELWAR.CRE (Skeleton Warrior)
UNDEADLT.CRE (Undead Lieutenant)

The following creatures are also affected, but they are either special or non-hostile:
COPSPIR.CRE (Planar Spirit)
ERRIS.CRE (Shade of Sir Erris)
GBARD.CRE (Luremaster)
GEDDIAN.CRE (Shade of Sir Geddian)
GILES.CRE (Shade of Sir Giles)
KRESS.CRE (Kresselack)
SHDELFPT.CRE (Shadowed Elf)
SPCOOK.CRE (Spectral Cook)
SPCOURTF.CRE (Spectral Courtier)
SPCOURTM.CRE (Spectral Courtier)
VSSHAD1.CRE (Lesser Shadow)
ZIERKKI.CRE (Shade of Sir Zierkki)

You can test it, for example, with the 1st level wizard spell "Spook".


  • MathsorcererMathsorcerer Member Posts: 3,044
    Spells like Horror (spwi205) take advantage of opcode 324, immune to spell with text, set to a creature type of "general - undead" and a resource target of spwi205.spl; this makes all undead immune to the spell Horror. Strangely, Spook (spwi125) does not use this opcode, which explains why undead are susceptible to it. Probably an oversight because I don't recall that Spook was available in old-school IWD/HoW/TotLM.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,501
    Spook was just an example. The spell "Symbol, Fear" or the Spirit Bear of the Totemic Druid (which causes fear on attack) work too. Most undead creatures are equipped with a special ring (RING95.ITM) which makes them immune to all kinds of effects. This item is missing on the listed creatures.
  • MathsorcererMathsorcerer Member Posts: 3,044
    I saw that...or, rather, I *didn't* see that since the item is missing. Definitely an oversight, then.
  • sunset00sunset00 Member Posts: 310
    lol. well seen, OP. Bah.. what can i say... just add that to the long list of similar totally unhealthy/untested/unverified rules implementations (with the new 'modern' code apparently), from the beamdog team !... Last year, i literaly gave up (eebg2) with the multiple *ùù$$^ù* similar incoherences (that should not be).. and killed my fun either (especially for my old bard blade class totally crippled with their 'enhanced edition' f*cked up on so many levels 'on the little details'^.. from the offensive/defensive spins totally incoherent behaviours with different spells/potions and so on (far worst than the original bg2..that was coherent at least!^), throwing weapons behaviours, thieves HLA that were totally bugged initially, tenser transforms, slayer transforms (bg2), etc, etc... i stopped counting, at that time.. usually, you can manually craft a patch (if you love to pass time in editors), or are lucky enough to have a fix nicely provided by someone that already noticed the problem in the forums -or providing one just for your question-!-..but after a while that makes the whole thing messy.. i just went back a little today to see if there were some new general patch or improvements/news (/bg2).. and i find your post /iwd.. ok.. i see ... ; ) good luck)
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