Will BGEE transition into SoD seamlessly?

Will BGEE transition into SoD seamlessly, or will the player be immediately "transferred" after finishing the game (rendering previous areas inaccessible à la ToB)?
If it does transition seamlessly, will any of the new content be accessible before the end of BGEE?
While I hope it's different from ToB in that it transitions seamlessly while still leaving the previous world accessible, I must admit that I am extremely excited about new BG content no matter how they do it.
If it does transition seamlessly, will any of the new content be accessible before the end of BGEE?
While I hope it's different from ToB in that it transitions seamlessly while still leaving the previous world accessible, I must admit that I am extremely excited about new BG content no matter how they do it.
One could assume that if you do start within the city of Baldur's Gate then perhaps some of the maps will be available to explore OR it will be a brand new city of Baldurs Gate (x amount of time down the line), so any quests you missed are resolved if you didn't complete them e.t.c and there will be a new swathe of quests to do (just speculating as the SoD does take place some time after the events in BG).
Nothing really has been confirmed or denied about the matter (to my 'limited' knowledge)
The transition will be ToB-like, in the sense that most of the previous areas of BG1ee will be inaccessible once SoD starts. The devs have confirmed that some areas of BG City will remain accessible - for example, one of the SoD screenshots shows the area around the Elfsong Tavern and Sorcerous Sundries, and another SoD screenshot shows the area around the Ducal Palace. However, those areas which "remain accessible" are actually re-drawn areas with new area codes, and therefore are technically "new areas" even though they look the same as certain "old areas", which means (for example) that items stashed in containers in those areas during BG1ee may well not transfer to SoD.
Regardless, I am happy. Just having NEW BG content to play after all this time is a dream come true for me.
It is confirmed that there will be numerous new side-quests and new items, but it's implied that these are all in the new areas and during the time of the new main quest.
Whist you can revisit parts of the city, they are NEW maps of old areas.