Black Pits?

How come nobody seem to mention or discuss much about the Black Pits? Are the threads simply long gone and buried away? I haven't lurked around here for long but I'm still surprised there's not a single trace of these games even today in here.
While I can agree the first game is rather short and doesn't hold too many memorable events, BP2 really does have the feeling of a game of its own.
Like IWD, I love the concept of having random joes bundled together in a group, every person equal to eachother, instead of being bound to mister charname's destiny of gameover hand signs.
BP1 being short and sweet is actually what makes its charm. Something easy to pick up and beat in a single session with no real worries is definitely unusual within the infinity games.
I also very much enjoy the music, even if it's the same one or two tracks all along for both games.
I was first surprised by the "enhanced" AI where casters just run around like headless chickens when beaten up a bit, but then it got really repetitive and annoying. Having never used SCS, is that the same in there too?
Any thoughts?
While I can agree the first game is rather short and doesn't hold too many memorable events, BP2 really does have the feeling of a game of its own.
Like IWD, I love the concept of having random joes bundled together in a group, every person equal to eachother, instead of being bound to mister charname's destiny of gameover hand signs.
BP1 being short and sweet is actually what makes its charm. Something easy to pick up and beat in a single session with no real worries is definitely unusual within the infinity games.
I also very much enjoy the music, even if it's the same one or two tracks all along for both games.
I was first surprised by the "enhanced" AI where casters just run around like headless chickens when beaten up a bit, but then it got really repetitive and annoying. Having never used SCS, is that the same in there too?
I love how it's technically possible to win the capture sequence in BP2, with the option of just giving najim the finger and leaving prematurely. Of course that kills the game but it's still very comical.
I first played BP2 with a fighter solo (no SCS) and my biggest problems were the demiliches and the topaz dragon. For the liches, I had to hire Voghlin and bait the demiliches into casting both of their imprisomnents on him, then I rushed them with daystar + greater whirlwind before they could cast that again. Sorry mate.
The topaz dragon breath is one of the biggest fighter killers I've seen in a BG game. Steadily reducing STR to super low with zero way to save or null it is kind of cheesy. I eventually won by spamming potions and hiring the paladin lady.
The bhaalspawn fight is extremely interesting lore-wise. It makes you feel like the events of BG have an actual meaning and now the roles are reversed; you are the little group of nobodies that have to face the devilish taint that rolls everything over. Fantastic.
I first played BP2 with a fighter solo (no SCS) and my biggest problems were the demiliches and the topaz dragon. For the liches, I had to hire Voghlin and bait the demiliches into casting both of their imprisomnents on him, then I rushed them with daystar + greater whirlwind before they could cast that again. Sorry mate.
The topaz dragon breath is one of the biggest fighter killers I've seen in a BG game. Steadily reducing STR to super low with zero way to save or null it is kind of cheesy. I eventually won by spamming potions and hiring the paladin lady.
The bhaalspawn fight is extremely interesting lore-wise. It makes you feel like the events of BG have an actual meaning and now the roles are reversed; you are the little group of nobodies that have to face the devilish taint that rolls everything over. Fantastic.
Any thoughts?
Not being inspired to keep playing the BP games, I've little to discuss about them. Since there are few threads here about the BP games, I assume that most of the other forumites aren't hugely interested either.
Nevertheless, I do remember that there were some good informative threads when the BP games were new and lots of us were trying them out. Dig into the archive posts, you might find some gems.
BP2 is fantastic.
There are lots of very colorful characters, lots of sub quests, lots of different ways to do things, and harder fights are so much fun and interesting. And you get the full power of BG2, with the best items and spells and hlas. A sheer joy to play!
Some fights can be a bit frustrating until you devise the perfect strategy, and if you have a well balanced party every fight is very doable.
However it is not without flaws. I hate the beginning sequence, you need to sit through 10 minutes of cutscenes until you can purchase your gear, when you create a new group. A 'skip' option would be best. It really gets tedious after the 10th time.
The loading time is a bit long on my Ipad2, and performance may be a bit choppy in the main lobby because BP2 main area is filled with high level characters with long long scripts. Dunno if it is due to me having scs, or my Ipad being old. Fights work well, thankfully.
I beat BP2 twice. First with a monestary (sorceror, cleric, 4 monks) and then with a dwarven clan (2 defenders, 2 berserkers, 2 fighter/clerics). It was refreshing to not need a thief.
I'm still replaying the BG saga, but I doubt that I'll redo black pits. Not enough story and the fights are just so damned hard.
BP2 I loved, I didn't even realise there were side quests the first time around until I saw a forum post about one. Promply closed the webpage and went looking for all of them. My only disappointment would be that a few side quests clearly never got finished, at least it seems that way.
I actually use BP2 now to test out new ideas for character classes and parties when or before starting a new BG2 game, but as @lunar says, the introduction takes an age.