Gear Question: What type of equipment is in BGEE for monks?

I don't think Monks were playable in the original game, but I haven't played in some 10 yrs to remember. Can anyone tell me some items you know that should be in the game I can use for a monk character? I'm hoping there's something useful for them, especially since they added the monk npc in the new version.
I can't remember BG well enough to tell you if there's anything useful for monks from the items already present in the original however, I did play a monk in BGII and only used a few items like rings and bracers (ToB had monk specific bracers).
It's been a long time for me too, but IIRC monks cannot wear armor and therefore the enchanted items they can wear are things like bracers, amulets, belts, and boots.
I had ago in BG1 with a monk using the BGT mod about 5 years ago, and found they are super vulnerable at low levels. It was about like meleeing with a Mage in terms of sustaining damage. It actually wasn't very fun or satisfying, and I aborted the game pretty quickly. So I think in BG:EE they're going to have to rework this class a bit to make it playable at low levels.
I haven't tried the monk in BG1, but it ought to be a playable character if you put plenty of points in DEX, just like a Rogue, if he doesn't get hit, he won't get hurt.
If it doesn't work like that, I think it'll be a very unpopular class.
They're not Monk items alone but they should help make a considerable difference.
Monk's biggest weakness was being forced into equipping magical weapons, if you ask me.
I'd like to see some monk gauntlets that add unarmed combat damage.