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Recommendations for a playthrough with Hexxat romance

ButtercheeseButtercheese Member Posts: 3,766
Hello everybody ~

So it is time for yet another BG playthrough. I just finished BG1 and now I wish to move on to BG2.
Now, I am really undecided on what mods to use this time.

Here some stuff I got planned out otherwise:
- Charname is a CN bisexual sun-elf sorceress (copper dragon bloodline) (romanced Coran in BG1)
- Gonna romance Hexxat
- Also wanna bring along WIlson and probably Viconia

I did want to use Romantic Encounters again, but I am undecided because there are no interaction/ reactions with Hexxat involved. Which seems to be a problem with a lot of the ported mods.

So yeah, if you guys can recommend me anything that would make this particular playthrough more interesting, I am all ears (adult ratings are a-okay).


  • CaeriaCaeria Member Posts: 201
    The one time I played with Hexxat (and her romance) I felt like tearing my hair out the entire time I was playing, but I can still help. I think.

    I do recommend RE, even though there aren't any interactions. You can always just write your own. I use RE any time I romance anyone and just write my own reactions and code them in. It's fun. Uhm, I don't know how much of a hand you are with coding though. I'm not good at coding, at least I don't consider myself very good, but it's pretty easy.
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