Imoen chatter inside cadlekeep

Probably a nothing thread, but it's always bothered me that in the early stages of the original BG1, you, the protagonist and Imoen are supposed to be childhood friends, yet the conversation choices when you 1st run into her makes it seem like you're an old codger and she's some 5 yr old nuisance. Too many of child this and little one that. Always wanted to simply replace the words "child" and "little one" with her name. That would make it sound more like childhood friends. It's an important part of establishing their relationship early in the story yet i always thought someone dropped the ball on that. She didn't feel like a childhood friend so much as someone's annoying kid pestering me. That is all.
Imoen's clearly designed to be similar to a pestering child, you can still be childhood friends - the two ideas are not mutually exclusive.
Imoen: I'm surprised that stuffy ol' Gorion let you away from your studies and chores. That ol' fiddle faddle. I snuck off too. Old Puffguts Winthrop was looking for me, but I've got all day to do his chores. You have time for a story today? No, I can tell you don't. What have ya been up to?
- I'm afraid I cannot chat today, little one. My foster father wishes me to prepare for a journey, but will not say to where.
- I am sorry, child, but I am not to tell anyone what I am doing. I must go. You should not tarry about either. Winthrop will want the beds turned down after you are done in the stables.
- Leave me be! I've no time to waste on you today, child!
Only the last one sounds like a dig on her immaturity. The weirdly formal and polite tone of the first two really makes it seem like an older person speaking to a literal child. If you pick those, Imoen tells you she's not much younger than you (exposition!), but that means all your responses are either nasty or sarcastic. =/