Limited number of spell scrolls

Hello, I wanted to learn Protection From Petrification spell by buying a scroll in High Hedge but there were only two and my character failed to learn from both of them. Now there are no more scrolls left, how do I get that spell?
You can get two as loot from fights:
Spider woods
And there's one in a container on the 4th floor of the Iron Throne building.
For future reference, you get a 100% chance to learn all spells at the lowest difficulty setting, so you can just lower it temporarily when scribing to avoid the situation. Personally, I modded out that mechanic and never looked back. Some may call it cheating, but I have found no redeeming gameplay value for this mechanic in my experience. Plus, you can completely negate it legitimately just by chugging a potion that has literally no other purpose.
There're are hundreds of spells in this game and yet only about 2-3 per level actually get used.
But I normally lower the difficulty of the game before leveling or learning spells.
If the next fight is surprisingly easy I check my settings again.......