@junk11 I know what you mean... despite all my hate and sarcastic replies to "You must gather your party...", I know I'll just love hearing it again after all this time, and would be very unhappy if it isn't present in the future games, heh.
Anyone know what that third word is, by the way? That always bothered me...
It's "vita....mortis.....carnae", which is completely recognizable as latin. It means "life...death...flesh" - pretty appropriate for a cure light.
As for the poll, I can't pick just one. There's too much of it, and they're all permanently tatooed into my mind. BG1 and BG2 have the best voice-acting I've ever heard in any game, including all the ones with hundreds of lines more dialogue. BG1's voice actors can make you know a fictional character as though he or she were your best friend in about three lines worth of dialogue.
1) Lock picking sound
2) on opening the cases
3) triggering a trap
We still use that phrase at roleplaying sessions, for every character with a familiar. :-D
Not from BG1 but BG2
"More intruders have entered the complex master"
"HEYA! it's me, Hrothgar!"
At least that's what I imagine, he has inescapable dialogue the likes of which, Imoen could only dream of.
As for the poll, I can't pick just one. There's too much of it, and they're all permanently tatooed into my mind. BG1 and BG2 have the best voice-acting I've ever heard in any game, including all the ones with hundreds of lines more dialogue. BG1's voice actors can make you know a fictional character as though he or she were your best friend in about three lines worth of dialogue.
"My golf club!"
BGII just didn't have the same low-brow humor as BGI.
For some reason this make me LMAO irl. Thanks =D.
What was stuck in my head until about 2 years ago, was the miners.
"Get - me - out of this HELL hole."
"You're perceptive for an old man. You know why I'm here. Hand over your ward and no-one will be hurt. If you resist it will be a waste of your life."
"You're a fool if you think I'd trust your benevolence! Stand aside, and you and your lackeys will remain unhurt!"
"I'm sorry that you feel that way old man."
Straight off my memory, it's been burnt into my soul
"Hush little baby, don't say a word, Nimbul's gonna bring you the... big... black... BIRD."
IIRC Nimbul screams like a little girl when you paste him, but he sure was menacing when fighting him the first time.