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[Bug] Drow Transformation + regenerations

SpaceInvaderSpaceInvader Member Posts: 2,125
edited November 2012 in Original BG2 Bugs
I would be grateful if you could manage to fix the animation bug that causes the char to stop every few seconds if it is under the effect of any kind of regeneration.
Thanks & congratulations for the project
Post edited by Balquo on


  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    edited June 2012
    Hi SpaceInvader,

    your request will have many more chances of being considered / addressed if you are more specific / detailed the description of the issue and how to replicate it. Also, you should follow @CameronTofer's guidelines for reporting bug to make things easier for the developers. You can find there here.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    @Spacelnvader, actually that only happens if your characters are wearing boots of speed, the time i get there i have 4 regerative items on ( 1 on 4 different party memebers) and the only ones that get interrupted in actions/movements are the ones wearing boots of speed, so the boots of speed have to be incorporated in there somewhere
  • trinittrinit Member Posts: 705
    edited June 2012
    i use boots of speed as well as some regenerative items regularly and this bug occurred to me only once, but i heard about it before.
    i think it was referred to as "stuttering bug". extremely annoying. unfortunately i cannot remember the exact circumstances but maybe it is related to mods? may be worthwhile to google it...

    edit- @spaceinvader: is this what you were talking about?
  • devSindevSin Member Posts: 32
    This may get fixed with changes in the ToBEx thread. (Specifically, the polymorph effect is spamming its reapplication when it is made persistent.)

    I'm unsure if that will also fix the issue where polymorphed avatars can occasionally stop animating (they'll appear to just float along when moving, for instance).
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    @devSin thats happens to Cernd sometimes when he is in his wolfwere form and just slides to place instead of walking there sometimes
  • SpaceInvaderSpaceInvader Member Posts: 2,125
    @trinit I've just checked, Boots of Speed and even Haste do not interfere with animation changes. Btw yes, that's what I was talking about ;)
    @devSin Unfortunatly not, I always play with ToBEx and still have this bug. The only thing that prevents it seems to be the "fix" that removes the animation-change part of the spell (you count as a Drow but you still have your normal animation)
    @sarevok57 right, it happens because it changes the normal animation and gives you a regeneration rate
  • lansounetlansounet Member Posts: 1,182
    @SpaceInvader I'm pretty sure this is an issue fixed by TobEx as @devSin said, you probably have an older version or didn't activate the relevant fix within tobexcore.ini.
    I haven't encountered this issue and I had the drow transformation twice in my current BWP-megamod game while wearing massive amounts of magic items including regenerating ones.
  • SpaceInvaderSpaceInvader Member Posts: 2,125
    @lansounet Just to be sure I've read ToBEx readme again, it doesn't ;(
  • lansounetlansounet Member Posts: 1,182
    edited June 2012
    It doesn't specifically mention this bug, but it's either or both "Use EFF File" or "Polymorph" fixes...

    #177 (0x0B1) Use EFF File [177]
    TobEx fixes this effect opcode so that adjustments to child effect parameters 1 to 4 are saved in unused internal structures of this opcode and restored to the child effect on next application. This fixes stutter issues associated with the Polymorph (parameter 2 value 1) opcode and is required for the changes to the Dexterity Modifier (parameter 2 value 3), Poison, Strength Modifier (parameter 2 value 3), Disease, Regeneration, and Apply Repeating EFF opcodes to work correctly when used as child effects of this effect.
    TobEx also fixes memory deallocation issues associated with containers and doors that use this effect opcode in their trap scripts

    #135 (0x087) Graphics: Polymorph into Specific [135]
    TobEx fixes a bug with parameter 2 values of 1 (Appearance only) where changes to the character's colour would either not work, or revert back to normal colours on refreshing the character. The Use EFF File opcode is fixed to prevent stuttering associated with using Polymorph opcode as a child effect.

    Though I think both are from v24 which may still be beta~ still the engine bugs are reported already and will likely be dealt with.
  • SpaceInvaderSpaceInvader Member Posts: 2,125
    edited June 2012
    I see, I have TobEx_Beta0022 which seemed to be the last according to ;)

    Edit: I've also found this...
  • lansounetlansounet Member Posts: 1,182
    Yeh A64 is really fast with updates (is that bad?) and proper testing in not always available for his test releases. They are to use at your own risk, I'm currently playing with one of these test releases (24.4.something) and encountered only 1 bug coming from it but an anonymous poster reported it and its cause.
    Anyway the topic of this thread is dealt with by tobex bug fixes which @ScottBrooks is looking into.

    The "infamous stutter bug" mentionned in that 2nd thread is one related to modded games and the variables they add filling the hashmap (whatever that is) resulting in stutter. Also reported
  • SpaceInvaderSpaceInvader Member Posts: 2,125
    edited June 2012
    Good to know!
    Edit: @Ascension64 and good job btw ;)
  • Avenger_teambgAvenger_teambg Member, Developer Posts: 5,862
    edited July 2012

    @sarevok57 right, it happens because it changes the normal animation and gives you a regeneration rate
    Animation change effects should 'initiate the animation change' if it really changed animation since the last effect update.
  • technophobetechnophobe Member Posts: 68
    Both the too many variables stutter issue and the polymorph stutter issues are fixed in TobEx. Still sitting in test release mode at the moment. I did fix the issue with the floating animations too when correcting the Drow Transformation stutter bug issue.
    Does this mean we'll be able to finally use drow avatars?
  • Ascension64Ascension64 Member Posts: 560
    @technophobe: Are the two related? I think you can mod in the use drow avatars from the outset.
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