I hope we can influence our party members this time

maybe it's asking for a lot, but I really liked it in some RPGs (like KOTLR2 or Keldorn in BG2) you can influence your party members and turn them good/evil. It would be awesome to see an Evil Aerie or Krogan with compassion (maybe just a tiny amount). what do you guys think?
What I'd like is, if Charname has high charisma, to persuade through dialogue the party NPCs not to fight each other, but I'm not expecting this to be implemented either.
Besides, KOTOR 2 had a truly brilliant in-game justification for how you were able to influence your party members in that way. Not entirely sure it'd translate as well to the BG-verse.
@shawne As far as I remember, even though Kivan's dialogues with Viconia were quite aggressive, they never came to blows, in my games at least. Ajantis was a different matter though.