Gnome Illusionist/Thief vs Half-Elf Bard (Jester) for Black Pits.

I'm going to be riding a long car ride soon-ish and figured I could do The Black Pits I&2 on my iPhone during it. I'm unsure to make Piro (of whom is normally a Gnome Bard in my 3e/Pathfinder/5e games) an gnomish illusionist/thief or Half-Elf Jester.
I normally would just mod out race/class restrictions or EEkeeper the character to be a gnome bard but unsure how I would do that on my iPhone.
Anyway, which better fits a Faerie themed playful-trickster type character?
I normally would just mod out race/class restrictions or EEkeeper the character to be a gnome bard but unsure how I would do that on my iPhone.
Anyway, which better fits a Faerie themed playful-trickster type character?
I'm thinking I could do both. That is to say not use my normal canon-party and instead make all new characters.