What is your party of choice?

Okay, I know it's been done and done, but I can't get enough. What is your party of choice for BG1 (and/or BG:EE)? And why? And anything else you think might be relevant.
Here's mine for BG:EE, where I list the character and their weapon combos (Melee, ranged, style):
Me: (Half-Elf Bard, Chaotic Good - have to gatekeeper this alignment for bard, otherwise Chaotic Neutral), longsword, throwing knives, single-weapon style
Kagain: axe, throwing axes, dual-weapon style (2 axes)
Minsc: two-handed sword, composite long bow, two-handed style
Viconia: mace/flail/hammer and shield, sling for ranged, sword and shield style
Imoen: dagger/short sword, light crossbow, single-weapon style (but primarily staying in ranged combat)
Dynaheir: staff, darts, no style as a mage (but 2-handed if it's possible... I don't think it is, though).
The reasoning for my party choice is that I hope to maximize the amount of diversity in weapon types, races, genders, and character types. I see 6 stats in the game and 6 party slots, and I try to make use of those. Each of my party members I think of as being specialized in a single stat, where they not only have the highest score of that stat (if possible) but also kind of "represent" that stat, personality and character-type wise.
My Bard represents "Charisma." Kagain represents "Constitution." Minsc is "Strength," Viconia is "Wisdom," Imoen is "Dexterity," and Dynaheir is "Intelligence."
I have every weapon style represented, two arcane spellcasters (one main, one backup), one cleric/paladin spellcaster, and one druid/ranger spellcaster. I have a good range of armor types represented (plate, chain, leather, robes). 3 guys, 3 girls, a dwarf, elf, half-elf, humans... The only thing I'm really lacking are neutral characters, and obviously gnome/halfling/half-orc (can't be perfect). Of course I don't want to split up Minsc and Dynaheir, or drop Imoen since she's my pal. But there you have it.
TL;DR: What's your BG:EE party gonna be?
Here's mine for BG:EE, where I list the character and their weapon combos (Melee, ranged, style):
Me: (Half-Elf Bard, Chaotic Good - have to gatekeeper this alignment for bard, otherwise Chaotic Neutral), longsword, throwing knives, single-weapon style
Kagain: axe, throwing axes, dual-weapon style (2 axes)
Minsc: two-handed sword, composite long bow, two-handed style
Viconia: mace/flail/hammer and shield, sling for ranged, sword and shield style
Imoen: dagger/short sword, light crossbow, single-weapon style (but primarily staying in ranged combat)
Dynaheir: staff, darts, no style as a mage (but 2-handed if it's possible... I don't think it is, though).
The reasoning for my party choice is that I hope to maximize the amount of diversity in weapon types, races, genders, and character types. I see 6 stats in the game and 6 party slots, and I try to make use of those. Each of my party members I think of as being specialized in a single stat, where they not only have the highest score of that stat (if possible) but also kind of "represent" that stat, personality and character-type wise.
My Bard represents "Charisma." Kagain represents "Constitution." Minsc is "Strength," Viconia is "Wisdom," Imoen is "Dexterity," and Dynaheir is "Intelligence."
I have every weapon style represented, two arcane spellcasters (one main, one backup), one cleric/paladin spellcaster, and one druid/ranger spellcaster. I have a good range of armor types represented (plate, chain, leather, robes). 3 guys, 3 girls, a dwarf, elf, half-elf, humans... The only thing I'm really lacking are neutral characters, and obviously gnome/halfling/half-orc (can't be perfect). Of course I don't want to split up Minsc and Dynaheir, or drop Imoen since she's my pal. But there you have it.
TL;DR: What's your BG:EE party gonna be?
For the EE, my party actually depends entirely on a seemingly-unrelated factor: which of the new NPCs is available for a same-sex romance.
At first, I was planning on using my original team plus two of the NPCs (Jaheira, Dorn, Imoen, Viconia, Neera). That way, my evil sorceress PC could finally have a decent romance storyline that didn't involve Anomen (because after one exchange with him, I sent the rest of my party to the Copper Coronet, took Anomen out to an empty field, cast Protection From Evil on myself and fed him to a Cacodemon).
But I can honestly say I've never heard of a fantasy story featuring an evil gay half-orc blackguard, and I'd be curious to see how that would play out. So if Dorn's the bisexual NPC, I'll redesign my character as a male fighter and bring in Edwin as the second mage.
[–]quartzlcc 9 points 11 days ago
My guess is the "wild" mage. ;D
[–]DaveGross 9 points 11 days ago
Your guess is incorrect.
And Jaheira, too. Minsc and Jaheira are my only two constants. In every game.
I also like to have Viconia in. Other than that, I'll take pretty much anyone who's not named Anomen.
Viconia Devir
Imoen/Safana (can't decide now)
I'll be focused on melee, buffing myself with spells like Draw Upon Holy Might, and Spiritual Hammer.
Rasad is up in the air since I don't know his stats but he will most likely be supporting melee.
Neera will be the main arcane artillary.
Imeon is going to be focused on traps/locks fully made for ranged combat, as per usual.
Kivan will fire his bow while enemies close then join in melee. Most likely wearing fullplate and ignoring his stealth skills.
And Quayle will be focused on arcane support/healing, allowing myself and neera to focus on other things with our spell selections.
PC (Usually a bard.)
Sometimes I'll mix it up and grab Quayle or that cleric that's turned to stone. It really depends on what I'm playing.
My BG2 Party was:
PC (Bard)
Jan Jansen
Minsc is the only one without real magic. Hahaha. And with all three romances in one party it made for an interesting journey.
I like to mix up the lineup from game to game. I enjoy putting together oddball combinations. And I usually try out a custom NPC mod.
Too early to tell how well I'll actually like the three new NPCs, but I'm definitely going to try all three for my first BG:EE game.
Lemernis - TN half-elf Fighter-Mage
I'm playing vanilla, so no 'happy patch'. I'm going to need high enough Cha that party members who don't like each other do get into it verbally and yet don't leave the party--and (preferably) don't fight to the death. I guess Rep can't climb too high either, else Dorn and Viconia will bail. (No higher than 18 is it?)
Edwin is powerful and a funny little schemer. Kivan is just the epitome of cool, elven ranger. He's the one character I still miss in BG2.
BG1 most of the time:Me Paladin
BG2: Me paladin
Imoen/yocheesmo/imoen part2
I've had no trouble playing these groups and surviving. The one time i deviated in BG1 i subbed kivan for Khalid and Branwen for Jaheira. In BG2 i subbed Aerie for Jan. I'm confortable with these combos which is why i stick with them as boring as that may seem to some. But as i said, i do keep other npc's around long enough to do their personal quests, but the above is always my final party. I've not decided on the new party members yet though neera certainly sounds like an interesting choice.
Pc neutral female half-elf blade or jester, safana or skie, Jaheira, neera.
Pc good female half-elf skald, rasaad, imoen, and probably ajantis because never finished with him before he allways dies.
All parties have arcane and divine caster with one "tank" and thief.
These are my normal parties only new guys added/changed in to replace someone else.
But probably first game i finish is solo Blade they are just awesome.
PC - LE half-elven blackguard
Faldorn / Tiax
Rasaad / Dorn
Depends a lot on blackguards being available for all races (I tend to favor half-elves / elves in my games), what the new NPCs' personalities & stats are like, and what I'll feel like playing on the 18th.
BG1 - Canon
Charname (Neutral Good Half-Elf Ranger/Cleric)
BGEE - Good
Charname (Chaotic Good Elf Swashbuckler)
BGEE - Evil
Charname (Neutral Evil Human Blackguard)
I pick my party more for role playing than overall party strength. I actually would really like Imoen in my party as well, if I was given another slot. Maybe on my next playthrough I'll forgo Edwin and dual Imoen to a mage, or maybe just do without a mage.
I always have my PC go into stealth mode, then have a party member tell Minsc to go screw himself and his quest, which causes him to attack, then I backstab him and watch him explode into a million chunks.
Main Character (Human Fighter)
Xzar (Dual-Classed at 6th level to 6/8 Necromancer/Cleric)
4 Fighter Types
2 Mages for Fire-Power
Cleric and Thief setup as a support class off either a Fighter or Mage primary.
Main character (Half-elf Ranger)
So yeah I actually played with the canonical party on my playthrough without realizing it... they were just the easiest ones to get who were good. On my second playthrough I dropped Khalid and Jaheira because I didn't really like them much in exchange for Kivan and Yeslick. (I also went with a Paladin as my main the second time).
I haven't completely decided what I'm going to do this time... I might go with an evil party, but in general I don't like playing evil that much so I'm not sure. I do want to try some of the new characters, Neera is almost definite (unless I go all evil, in which case it would be Dorn).