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Scaling Font?

Arsene_LupinArsene_Lupin Member Posts: 181
edited September 2012 in Archive (Feature Requests)
This is half a question half a feature request, I suppose. BGEE is supposed to be able to display properly at high resolutions. That's great. But from the screenshots and iOS emphasis, it seems like the 'optimum' resolution will be considerably lower than, say, 1920x1080.

So, what's the issue here?

Font size. Infinity Engine games are all but unplayable with high-resolution mods for a number of reasons. Font size is one of those reasons--at high resolution, the text can be unbearable small. I recall some bigger fonts mods for BG2 that worked... moderately well, but they still had some issues because of the way the text was coded into the game (it wouldn't display properly with larger fonts).

So, basically, what I'm doing here is asking whether or not the game will have scaling fonts, or some sort of native in-game option for increasing/decreasing font size--and if not, I'm requesting that such a feature be implemented by way of a patch. Baldur's Gate is a text-heavy... text-reliant game, so (assuming BGEE really does support high resolutions natively, as advertised) this is probably -THE- most important and necessary feature I can think of.


  • ZeckulZeckul Member Posts: 1,036
    I don't think I'm revealing anything that isn't already widely known by saying the entire UI will scale in BG:EE and that this of course includes text.
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