Who's going to be playing multiplayer?

Heya first time poster here, I was wondering if anyone was interested in starting a multiplayer game at release or shortly thereafter? I'm from Calgary, AB so I'm on Mountain time zone. I've played the BG series since they were released back in the day so I'm fairly experienced with the game.
Is anyone interested in playing a multiplayer game with me? Or maybe if you already have a group ready to go and need another person I'd love to play. Most of the people I know that play games probably wouldn't be into BG1 which is why I'm asking here.
Also does anyone know how the game will work with multiplayer? Is beamdog supplying servers to the public or do I just host a game on my computer like the old days?
I think just playing a duo game would be fun but having a full 6 man multiplayer team would probably be hella fun (not to mention hilarious) especially over skype or mumble.
Anyways, if anyones interested let me know. I have a full time job so I'd basically be playing in the evenings but maybe we could schedule something.
Is anyone interested in playing a multiplayer game with me? Or maybe if you already have a group ready to go and need another person I'd love to play. Most of the people I know that play games probably wouldn't be into BG1 which is why I'm asking here.
Also does anyone know how the game will work with multiplayer? Is beamdog supplying servers to the public or do I just host a game on my computer like the old days?
I think just playing a duo game would be fun but having a full 6 man multiplayer team would probably be hella fun (not to mention hilarious) especially over skype or mumble.
Anyways, if anyones interested let me know. I have a full time job so I'd basically be playing in the evenings but maybe we could schedule something.
But that'll be a ways away. I have to split my time between school, Guild Wars 2 and BG:EE so who knows when it'll be.
So we'll have some balance between party interaction and power builds.
If you remember Col Bruce from the old forums, chats, and multiplayer hosting, that was me.
I'm down to try playing the Enhanced on multiplayer. I pre-ordered the game.
My brother's a massive powergamer and we both know the game back to front, so we'll be cheesing it up, using borderline offensive class combinations and metagaming every situation.
My friend on the other hand loves to roleplay and hasn't played before. I'll let him be the protagonist and play a support caster (likely cleric/illusionist) to keep the rest of the party buffed and alive. He can do all the talking and I'll make sure his first playthrough is fun.
I like to have a mix of playthroughs going on
@Saradas It plays just like the single player game, only with a few extra generated characters instead of NPCs and you play whenever you can get together. You can always continue yourself though if you want, if you have the save games.
Thanks for the answers Manveru
I'd be up for playing with some random people from these forums, if that becomes a thing. I'd much prefer to play a Blade than anything else, but I also like Stalkers, Cavaliers, and Avengers too.
I'd love to play with some of you guys