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Who's going to be playing multiplayer?

XensXens Member Posts: 12
edited September 2012 in Archive (General Discussion)
Heya first time poster here, I was wondering if anyone was interested in starting a multiplayer game at release or shortly thereafter? I'm from Calgary, AB so I'm on Mountain time zone. I've played the BG series since they were released back in the day so I'm fairly experienced with the game.
Is anyone interested in playing a multiplayer game with me? Or maybe if you already have a group ready to go and need another person I'd love to play. Most of the people I know that play games probably wouldn't be into BG1 which is why I'm asking here.
Also does anyone know how the game will work with multiplayer? Is beamdog supplying servers to the public or do I just host a game on my computer like the old days?
I think just playing a duo game would be fun but having a full 6 man multiplayer team would probably be hella fun (not to mention hilarious) especially over skype or mumble.
Anyways, if anyones interested let me know. I have a full time job so I'd basically be playing in the evenings but maybe we could schedule something.


  • AnOnionAnOnion Member Posts: 30
    I will be playing through the campaign with my wife, if it's possible to do that with only one license installed on two systems. We just can't swing two games this month.
  • sandmanCCLsandmanCCL Member Posts: 1,389
    After I go through the game once with the person I'm planning on rolling through the entire Enhanced Edition games with, I was planning on getting groups of people through the forums to multiplayer with.

    But that'll be a ways away. I have to split my time between school, Guild Wars 2 and BG:EE so who knows when it'll be.
  • XensXens Member Posts: 12

    After I go through the game once with the person I'm planning on rolling through the entire Enhanced Edition games with, I was planning on getting groups of people through the forums to multiplayer with.

    But that'll be a ways away. I have to split my time between school, Guild Wars 2 and BG:EE so who knows when it'll be.

    Oh man I know, too many games coming out this month, besides BG:EE I'm interested in Borderlands 2 and Torchlight 2... but I think BG will be eating most of my time.
  • demacydemacy Member Posts: 12
    I'd be up for scheduling a multiplayer session(s) I'm in NA CST time zone, I work full time but I'm aggressively single so I have plenty of time to play all the games :-)
  • XensXens Member Posts: 12
    demacy said:

    I'd be up for scheduling a multiplayer session(s) I'm in NA CST time zone, I work full time but I'm aggressively single so I have plenty of time to play all the games :-)

    Sounds good man, I'll send you a PM and maybe we can work something out.

  • KenjiKenji Member Posts: 251
    Doing it with my brother.

    So we'll have some balance between party interaction and power builds.
  • colbrucecolbruce Member Posts: 1
    Hello. I played BG 1 and BG2 on Multiplayer back in the day (original release). It was difficult to get it working, but, we managed to have several players lots of times and it was pretty fun if the play-styles were compatible.

    If you remember Col Bruce from the old forums, chats, and multiplayer hosting, that was me.

    I'm down to try playing the Enhanced on multiplayer. I pre-ordered the game.
  • ManveruManveru Member Posts: 75
    Played BG and BG2 for the first time through last year, and did it with some friends of mine. We're planning to do it again. Either way though, I'm forcing them to buy BGEE at spear point ;)
  • CorvinoCorvino Member Posts: 2,269
    A mate of mine and my brother are both buying the game. I'll be running a 2 player game with each of them

    My brother's a massive powergamer and we both know the game back to front, so we'll be cheesing it up, using borderline offensive class combinations and metagaming every situation.

    My friend on the other hand loves to roleplay and hasn't played before. I'll let him be the protagonist and play a support caster (likely cleric/illusionist) to keep the rest of the party buffed and alive. He can do all the talking and I'll make sure his first playthrough is fun.

    I like to have a mix of playthroughs going on :)
  • SaradasSaradas Member Posts: 148
    edited September 2012
    What I always wondered about MP is: my character progress will be stored on their servers or not? Do I have to make all my way through the campaign once I started with a party of other players? sorry I have no idea how it works. What I'd like most is to join games, have some fun replaying some parts of the campaign, then leave (keeping exp ecc) and joining another that possible?
  • CommunardCommunard Member Posts: 556
    I'm going to be taking my current Pathfinder group for a spin, since (amazingly) I'm the only one of them to have played it. Will be nice not having to DM for a change!
  • ManveruManveru Member Posts: 75
    Wish I had a pathfinder party :)

    @Saradas It plays just like the single player game, only with a few extra generated characters instead of NPCs and you play whenever you can get together. You can always continue yourself though if you want, if you have the save games.
  • SaradasSaradas Member Posts: 148
    edited September 2012
    @Manveru ah ok, so if I host a game with my save and then all people leave, I can continue alone and those other characters are all under my control?
    Thanks for the answers Manveru
    Post edited by Saradas on
  • CyricistCyricist Member Posts: 61
    edited September 2012
    I'm doing a couple playthroughs. One playthrough of each alignment with a friend of mine who I previously played through the whole saga with. Also going to probably start a game to play by myself.

    I'd be up for playing with some random people from these forums, if that becomes a thing. I'd much prefer to play a Blade than anything else, but I also like Stalkers, Cavaliers, and Avengers too.
  • AHFAHF Member Posts: 1,376
    I am definitely interested but finding time when I can mesh with someone else will be a challenge. I am hoping to do it with my brother and possibly his wife. I would love to do it with people on the forum but my availability will be limited enough that I can't imagine anyone would be thrilled about doing that.
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    I'll be playing multiplayer after release hopefully (UK/Europe time though) but only after my first playthrough
  • XensXens Member Posts: 12
    If anyone else is interested in starting a multiplayer game after (or even on) release day send me a message, or if you have room in a group for one more guy let me know also!
  • MrKrisSatanMrKrisSatan Member Posts: 75
    Its a great regret of mine that I was never able to play multiplayer the first time around, think I had 28k internet at the time lol

    I'd love to play with some of you guys
  • ToxicToxic Member Posts: 30
    Who ever is interested in some online games when the game launches let me know. I have skype and a working mic, tox1c420. Or just pm me.
  • Fluid29Fluid29 Member Posts: 62
    I'll play one or two solo walkthroughs first and after that looking for multiplayer too. Maybe forum adjustments for Multiplayer would be appropiate at a later stage. Guess there are many people out there for multiplayer.
  • ErulogosErulogos Member Posts: 3
    Same here 1-2 walkthroughs solo and then multiplayer.
  • The_MageThe_Mage Member Posts: 19
    I would like to start a MP game, but I am afraid I am in a rather unfortunate TimeZone. One of the downsides to living in Japan (that, and earthquakes, typhoons and the weather in general)
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