SoD on Ipad

In the site it says SoD requires ios 7.0 or greater.
I haven't updated my ios on my ipad since 6, something. And don't want to, because newer versions of the ios become incompatible with ifunbox, as I hear, it is the neat program I use to connect my bg2 game to pc and mod as I want. My bg2:ee game on ipad is brimming with mods, custom edits, and everything nice, without a jailbreak. If I upgrade ios I won't be able to mod or edit my saves on Ipad, which is a big no for me. Having a modded bg2 game on my ipad and being able to mod and edit everything in it whenever I want is a real joy.
So, will SoD really be uninstallable if I do not upgrade my ios? I wonder why, iwd, bg1 and bg2 work well in my current ios. Such a bummer.
I haven't updated my ios on my ipad since 6, something. And don't want to, because newer versions of the ios become incompatible with ifunbox, as I hear, it is the neat program I use to connect my bg2 game to pc and mod as I want. My bg2:ee game on ipad is brimming with mods, custom edits, and everything nice, without a jailbreak. If I upgrade ios I won't be able to mod or edit my saves on Ipad, which is a big no for me. Having a modded bg2 game on my ipad and being able to mod and edit everything in it whenever I want is a real joy.
So, will SoD really be uninstallable if I do not upgrade my ios? I wonder why, iwd, bg1 and bg2 work well in my current ios. Such a bummer.
Whether or not SoD will run with ios 6 is currently unknown. When developers (of anything, not just BG) say that software "requires" a certain version of an o/s, what this usually means is that they haven't designed and tested it with any earlier version in mind and therefore aren't making any promises about whether or not it'll work with an earlier version.
Nevertheless, it often turns out that the software isn't critically reliant on some new feature of the o/s which didn't exist until the specified version, so it might actually work on earlier versions than "required". Or it might not, it's a matter of luck.
If it doesn't install or run, then you should be okay doing a partial update of your ios (i.e. to version 7 or early 8) without breaking your ifunbox-dependent setup.
How can I update only to ios 7.0 ? From my settings screen, I see the latest update only that is 8,4 something and I most certainly do not want that, as it breaks ifunbox functionality.
Anyways, this is what I found in a 3 minute google search. I'm not tech savy enough or familiar enough with apple products to really know if this is good enough, so in short: Use at own risk.
select version from dropdown menu
- there are multiple spells being cast at a time ( BG2:EE);
- there are several enemies ( >10) on the screen;
- someone uses AoE Magic ( Entangle, Striking Cloud, Web, Cloud Kill, Fireball,...)
@jackjack "Time for a new one I suppose": you are perfectly right, I am also interested in purchasing a new iPad... If the rumors on the internet are true, Apple is going to unveil the Air 3 on March....
I have to say, the ipad2 has been surprisingly long lasting and a real work horse. It is, sadly, getting to be time to pass it down to the kids and get myself a new one (just have to convince my wife to let me spend the $$$). I do want to wait until Beamdog have some sort of reliable file sharing in place. I split my playing time between my iPad, iPhone and PC.
@Luke93 I don't have major slow downs in the game on my ipad2, loading times are a bit long but that is due to scs mod's extremely long scripts.
Only three spells cause slow down:when shrieking mushrooms summon myconids, and when two unique Glabrezus in WK summon ice salamanders and fire elementals, there is this obnoxious and totally redundant cloud animation, it lasts forever after each summoning and it eats away the fps. I editted those spells to not use that effect. Other clean cloud effects like cloudkill etc. are fine. Horrid wilting is the worst offender in fps, as its graphic is similiar to that obnoxious cloud effect.
I have to manually close the game and load my save again after half hour, or the game crashes when it has been played too long. Happened to me when I beat scs improved irenicus in Asylum, I beat him in the first try, crashed, and then I spent the whole day loading and trying to beat him again. Before major fights, a save, closing and loading application is a must. Otherwise, if I played too long, I press quicksave, it saves BUT crashes. And when I try to load the saved game, it shows blank frames instead of party pictures and many things are corrupt ine the save game. I guess ipad2 runs out of memory after a certain amount of gameplay and can not save the game.
It happened last night, I was like, 'Nah, I can get one more fight before closing/loading' and I beat Hive Mother in Underdark and then I saved and crashed. Had to do it all again. NOT fun.