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Does Dorn have unique quests or areas?

ZordrathZordrath Member Posts: 19
edited September 2012 in Archive (General Discussion)
Hey guys,

something I've been curious about: On the main website, Dorn is listed as adding as much playtime to the game as Neera and Rasaad. There's also an overview of his story, seeking revenge on former comrades. However, unlike those two, it's not explicitly mentioned that we'll actually get any quests from him. Does anyone know whether his backstory is simply a justification for his joining the group or actually leads to a questline?


  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239
    I'm guessing his questline involves hunting down those former comrades and tearing them to shreds. :)
  • ZordrathZordrath Member Posts: 19
    That's my guess too, but I was confused that they didn't mention it explicitly like they did with Rasaad and Neera.
  • RythgarRythgar Member Posts: 101
    I'm under the impression that Dorn is just a new NPC who's encounters were inserted into the original areas.
  • DrugarDrugar Member Posts: 1,566
    Rythgar said:

    I'm under the impression that Dorn is just a new NPC who's encounters were inserted into the original areas.

    It balances out nicely.

    Rasaad, NPC with his own questline and area in the Cloudpeaks.
    Neera, NPC with her own questline and cottage in the woods.
    Dorn, NPC with his own kit and questline and new area around the city (or whereever).

    Creates an imbalance, so I assume his questline is just in the normal areas.
  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239
    @Drugar: Technically, while Wild Mages and Monks existed in the original versions, there were no NPCs with those classes - I'd think of it more as "three new NPCs, three new questlines, three new areas." :)
  • sandmanCCLsandmanCCL Member Posts: 1,389
    It says "up to 4 additional hours of gameplay." I assume that means his quest.

    Doesn't say he requires new areas to accomplish that. I think this is a wait-and-see topic.
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