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Original BG Mods

APhantasmAPhantasm Member Posts: 42
edited September 2012 in Archive (General Discussion)
I was just wondering if the fan mods from the Original BG will be able to be imported into the Enhanced Edition or not.


  • RexfaroensisRexfaroensis Member Posts: 134
    I posted a similar question in another forum, and the reply i got was that people were unsure whether the old mods would work with the new version. But don't take my word for it
  • APhantasmAPhantasm Member Posts: 42
    I hope they do, but I understand if it doesn't. Were talking here about an upgraded engine (BG2 engine). So its possible that the original BG mods may not be compatible. I will probably get this anyways simply cause of the new content and the possibility of more, even though the original fan mods might not work.
  • zarffynzarffyn Member Posts: 175
    edited September 2012
    The answer is: Maybe.

    From what I've read, WEIDU needs to be updated. It's apparently being worked on, but that's necessary before anything else. BG2 Tweaks is said to work--pending a WEIDU update. 1PP is being at least partially incorporated into BG:EE. The devs are using a lot of the same tools that the modding community created, but there's a lot of coding changes on the back end.

    Everything else is pretty much a wait and see game.

    Edited to add: I'm betting non-Tutu/BGT mods won't work, since it's running on the ToB engine. Fortunately, most mods have a Tutu/BGT option,so it's a matter of waiting for the modder(s) in charge to update, who are waiting on the aforementioned WEIDU update.
  • APhantasmAPhantasm Member Posts: 42
    And of course Weidu likely is waiting for the release of the game, unless they got a copy beforehand so they could work on updating their program by the time this comes out.
  • zarffynzarffyn Member Posts: 175
    It's possible that they do. There are a handful of prominent modders that are currently beta-testers for BG:EE. :)
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