Founder's Package, Collector's Edition, or Ultimate Fanboy Deal?

Is there any way that we could get the option to give you guys more money, via some sort of package that lets us truly appreciate the amount of entertainment that the BG series has given us over the years? BG1 and 2 are honestly the most entertaining games that I have ever played and I've gotten thousands of hours of enjoyment from them. I recently bought the Founder's Package of Mechwarrior Online just because mechs are awesome. I'd be happy to buy an equivalently-priced package from you guys in order to show my support and get some cool swag. Is there anything like that in the works?
It's a good idea though. In a special package with physical products they'd probably have to sell a certain number to make a profit (which they probably would), but there's a lot of digital - or even anecdotal, such as insights into the BG creation process from people who were involved, e.g. Trent Oster explaining the background to the golden pantaloons - content that could likely be made for cheap and be of interest.
So, alas, no fancy schmancy collector's edition for the moment. Maybe when both BG and BG2 Enhanced Edition are out and have sold trillions.