
If Potion of Free Action, or the Ring of Free Action, prevent all types of adjustments to the normal movement of a character, shouldn't this also include Encumbrance? Potion of Free Action is magical, Encumbrance is natural. Wouldn't the benefits of this magical potion lift the user above and beyond weight limits and allow him or her to move freely?
Additionally, shouldn't the fact that one of your party members being Encumbered slow down travel time? Ergo, instead of taking 4 hours to reach a location it would instead take 6-8 hours if encumbered?
Additionally, shouldn't the fact that one of your party members being Encumbered slow down travel time? Ergo, instead of taking 4 hours to reach a location it would instead take 6-8 hours if encumbered?
I agree about the travel time however, that's another cheese-guilt of mine, drink the strength potion then travel to the next zone *hands out the crackers*
Aye, ideally it should. Probably just an oversight or programming issue.
Pokemon horses?
They keep them in a Bag of Holding