[Download] berelinde B!Tweaks full mod

I have been on the lookout for berelinde's B!Tweaks full mod with no luck. The lite version is out there if you look, but not the full version. The full version also adds the ability to modify how many pips each class can get on a class by class basis. The lite version is missing that. So I decided to open up her .tp2 file and low and behold it's all there. The full version code was just turned off. That being said, I decided to unlock that part of the file so it will all install. What I haven't done is go through and rename anything. Everything is still called B!Tweaks_lite.
I have uploaded it here for you to use. If berelinde sees this and wants me to remove it, I will be more than happy to.
Again, it's called lite, but this is the full version. I only tested it out to install, so let me know if there are any problems.
I have uploaded it here for you to use. If berelinde sees this and wants me to remove it, I will be more than happy to.
Again, it's called lite, but this is the full version. I only tested it out to install, so let me know if there are any problems.
Post edited by joshuar9476 on