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Wish list for new D&D videogames

What kind of videogames based on D&D we would like to have?

I would like a new game set in Ravenloft where your characters travel through the various countries of the Demiplane of Dread.


  • ChidojuanChidojuan Member Posts: 211
    I'd like to see some survival horror added to the RPG experience. The Lords of Madness book on aberrations talks about heroic vs. horrific adventures. Heroic is what we generally come to expect, and the Baldur's Gate series do it beautifully. The main character gradually encounters more difficult enemies as he or she increases in power. Horrific immediately drops your character into the thick of things with very powerful enemies that can and will kill you easily. It would be a really interesting twist where you're always lucky to defeat your enemies and get out alive. Maybe not something too similar to Resident Evil, but something akin to Dark Souls, where you start of small and insignificant against tough odds, and the odds just get worse as you get stronger.
  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018
    For me it is all about the squad based exploration. I'd like a full on adventure open world style with an over-arching story to tie it all together but with loads and loads of side quests and things to explore and find.

    Given my personal preference it would be 2nd edition, but I suspect that would not be in the offering. I would very much prefer to get away from the whole generic "Any character can fit any role" that comes with later editions, but that is merely what I would want.

    I would also like something that allows modders to make their own adventures/worlds such that we could explore more stories than merely the campaign that the developers created. And if players could create persistent worlds? All the better. But in as much as the campaigns and stories of the developers are often good, there are so many diverse and original creators within the community. Let them be able to share their stories with other players.

    As far as graphically, it would be nice to have a 3D engine, but so long as we had something that was aesthetically appropriate and pleasing, I'm good. I don't need the best and brightest FPS paint job, merely something appropriate for a squad of 5-7 adventurers in a world of magic.

    I'd also like something that would accommodate a turn based approach. While 'Real time' seems to be all the rage, some of the best gaming I've ever done was in ToEE. Let me pause and plan each move like when we were playing the PnP version and I'd be happy as a clam.

    Finally, I'd like something that has a Z axis. Isometric top down games are fun (and don't preclude a Z axis) but the ability (and indeed need) for spells like levitate and fly would be greatly appreciated. Chasms where the bridge has fallen on some ancient dwarven stronghold would be great. Pits leading to alternate paths and requiring featherfall would be great. Trap doors in the ceiling requiring levitate to access would be divine. But above all, alternate paths to resolving scenarios would be a must.

    Don't make it linear and lead the player by the nose. Let the gamer explore and find new and different areas and puzzles and traps.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited January 2016
    After Sword Coast Legends let's just be thankful we're getting Siege of Dragonspear. It may not be Baldur's Gate 3 per se, but it's a expansion pack that has the amount of content of Tales of the Sword Coast and Throne of Bhaal combined. And really, it might be better than a proper 3rd game. For one thing, we get to see characters resurface who were under utilized or killed off in BG2. And more importantly, Throne of Bhaal wrapped things up without much room for extrapolation. The only logical avenue to explore in this series was what the hell happened after Sarevok's defeat and just how you ended up in Irenicus' dungeon. Brilliant move in my estimation.

    I'm not sure what we'll see. Right now they seem more than content with their two middling MMOs and what can only be viewed as a failed follow-up to the Neverwinter Nights series. My advice?? Stick with whatever Beamdog does, go dive into the SSI catalog on GOG, and hope for the best.
  • SquireSquire Member Posts: 511
    Imagine a game set in FR - probably the Moonsea region - that was 1st person and used the Mount and Blade combat system...

    Imagine a multiplayer version of that game, where you could play alone, or in private groups, or on the massive server, like in Elite...

    Imagine that game with a large number of GMs who can modify the world, create events, possess NPCs and make them interact, and have cool stories happen which the players can get involved with, in 1st person...

    Or maybe a similar game but with Greyhawk, or Dragonlance, setting. I quite like the idea of a Dragonlance game, actually...especially pre-War of the Lance, where magic is rare and the number of mages can be counted on one hand.

    I know, I know, it's a sin...D&D games must all be isometric and use dice, but surely that's been done enough. Something a bit different would be interesting, like using such a lore-rich setting for a different kind of game! :p
  • FlashburnFlashburn Member Posts: 1,847
    NWN:EE. I'll never ask for anything again if it happens.
  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018
    @Squire - imagine me not playing such a game. But hey. I am sure there would be a lot that would.

    I am Okay with the First Person perspective and (although I am sure people will say THIS is a sin) I actually liked Oblivion and Skyrim. Those types of games are fun and do have a purpose.

    I do not like the whole Online (potentially) massively multi-player games. I do not personally feel that they engender any role playing spirit "In me personally". Not that others can't get that. Just that I don't ever find it condusive to role playing when you are grinding the same boss over and over and over along with 10 other groups knowing that he will 'Respawn' every so often.

    But enough of my ranting.
  • SquireSquire Member Posts: 511
    @the_spyder yeah, most MMORPGs are like that, which is the reason I never play them anymore (I haven't even tried ESO and have no intention of doing so). But this is about ideal games, and my ideal game would have a mechanism that prevented people fighting the same boss more than once a day.

    But then, I'm basing it on my NWN2 server, that was heavily geared to RP and discouraged farming/grinding...if an MMO could replicate that then it'd be awesome!
  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018
    @Squire - So I spoke out of turn. Of course what you propose is the perfect game for you. In that, kudos and I stand corrected. That is what you enjoy and so is appropriate here.

    My problem with MMOs isn't "Just" the farming, but that is a discussion for another thread as opposed to hijacking this one.
  • brunardobrunardo Member Posts: 533
    I had a similar post @ShapiroKeatsDarkMage and @Chidojuan that we should have a ravenloft IE game for sure and be great if the use all the domains as they all differ in the gothic/horror genre and there darklords all make great stories, miss those SSI game. Dragonlance would be great too. sword coast legends uggh what a disappointment
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    edited January 2016
    What I would like to see are D&D game titles with hunger/thirst, insomania, hypothermia/hyperthermia, swimming, riding, flying and various weather mechanism (such as rain, snow, hail and sandstorms) to have actual effects on the whole party. We really need a D&D equivalent of Fallout: New Vegas and similar survival games (!)

    Given such harshments would work best within a Icewind Dale III and the Dark Sun setting, I'm hoping for either one to be picked as such.
  • FardragonFardragon Member Posts: 4,511
    Must haves:

    * Single player
    * party based
    * top down/isometric
    * story based
    * good mod support
    * authentic implementation of P&P rules

    Like to have:
    * Toolset

    Don't want:
    * multiplayer
    * Obsession with "class balance"
    * Grimdark

    Settings, in order of preference:

    1) Dark Sun
    2) Spelljammer
    3) Ravenloft
    4) Discworld

    What I would really really like though is a Science Fiction Space Opera done in the style of Baldur's Gate.

  • SquireSquire Member Posts: 511

    What I would like to see are D&D game titles with hunger/thirst, insomania, hypothermia/hyperthermia, swimming, riding, flying and various weather mechanism (such as rain, snow, hail and sandstorms) to have actual effects on the whole party. We really need a D&D equivalent of Fallout: New Vegas and similar survival games (!)

    QFT! I really liked that about F:NV (shame they axed it for F4!! :( ). Attrition is something I've really missed in modern games. I don't want super-hardcore micromanagement (you must go to each player and click "eat this item of food!" within half an hour or they all starve to death!) - that works in NV when you're the only person you have to feed, but tracking 6 food, water, and exhaustion bars constantly will get tiresome after a while.

    The Mount and Blade style "you must have food in your party inventory, and it runs out over time (depending on how many people you have) so you have to keep an eye on your stocks and replenish it when required" method will be adequate, I think.

    At the very least, games could involve a "hardcore/survival" mode in which such a feature is brought in for those who want to play with it, while those on "easy" mode don't have to deal with it.

    Sadly, I don't see that happening any time soon, due to the nature of the industry, unless an independent group got together to make their own game and funded it independently - with Unity and Kickstarter, such a thing isn't ridiculous...maybe you guys should set such a group up! ;) Although licensing might be an issue...

    @the_spyder to be fair, my game probably doesn't/can't/won't exist. The only way it can run is with a large GM team, and the only way to fund that is with mass subscription, which will inevitably lead to the style of multiplayer that we all hate. The only reason Tales of Moonsea works is because of a small player base of hardcore RPers, and a large GM team who are doing it for the fun of doing it, rather than money.

    But anyway, my idea would also include an Elite: Dangerous style "solo" and "private group" option, where you can play alone and not see/interact with other players, or just play/interact with your friends, or a group set up for people who want to play a certain way.
  • ShapiroKeatsDarkMageShapiroKeatsDarkMage Member Posts: 2,428
    A Spelljammer game would bè awesome.
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