When you look more forward to playing on the iPad, rather on the exotic holiday you're going for or the wedding you're attending.
True story. :P
I'll do you one better.
When you have a countdown on your phone for the BG:EE release....
but not one for your OWN wedding & honeymoon in a month and a half.
Haha well played. I am in the same boat, except my wedding is early next year This way, I have a few months to BG it up before the wedding, and can avoid an early divorce due to neglect while BGing!
When you look more forward to playing on the iPad, rather on the exotic holiday you're going for or the wedding you're attending.
True story. :P
I'll do you one better.
When you have a countdown on your phone for the BG:EE release....
but not one for your OWN wedding & honeymoon in a month and a half.
Haha well played. I am in the same boat, except my wedding is early next year This way, I have a few months to BG it up before the wedding, and can avoid an early divorce due to neglect while BGing!
My fiance joked that I'm more excited about BGEE than I am our wedding. So I promised not to take the laptop on the honeymoon. Sacrifices must be made. When I return, butts will be liberally kicked!