IIRC, magical throwing daggers retain their base 2 attacks/round even in melee. And firetooth dagger has base 2d4 damage plus fire, at the rate of 2 attacks/round even in melee. Thus, it is the best melee weapon for weak mages/thieves as well.
@subtledoctor That is not stupid enough, strength damage gets added to throwing daggers but not to throwing axes and hammers (I don't get the logic of this x_x). So can you imagine if a Kensai have grandmastery on daggers + a nice strength belt what havoc he can create? (maybe that's why magical throwing daggers never reached +4 enchantments otherwise the whole town will have Kensai/Mage throwing +4 firetooth daggers at grandmastery+strength belt+that glove that give you extra APR +his kensai damage bonus.(well his magic becomes solely for self defense and his dagger become very "offending".
AFAIK, but I can be wrong, in the original game some throwing weapons get the STR bonus ranged, the less powerful ones. So the Boomerang Dagger and the axe from Temple sewers get it, Firetooth and Adzuredge don't. Imo it is a good way, you can choose if use the better one or the one with the bonus. EE changed the things, I let EE users to judge if in a better way or not. In both games Firetooth is functionally a Throwable bastard sword +1 APR usable also in mlee, with the only limitation that can not be DWelded, indeed a powerful weapon for a mage or a kensai.
I think it's worth managing the melee/ranged toggle on Azuredge, because it's such a good weapon against undead, at least when you're actually fighting undead. I guess it would be just as easy to swap it out for another +3 weapon and leave it set for throwing when not fighting undead.
@biffyclanger, using it with a FMT I agree with you, but for a Mage is the best, damage wise, also in mlee, +1APR, and mages can not dual weld efficiently, elemental damage added, bastard sword damage roll and good enchantment.
Would be good if someone can confirm or deny this APR issue for magical throwing daggers. I do not recall receiving 2 APR in melee with these weapons, but perhaps I missed it (do not recall really using them in melee often given how great they are for high-strength thieves as a ranged weapon).
Just checked with my bg2:ee game on Ipad. Imoen has the firetooth dagger and she always has 2 attacks when it is in the ranged mode or melee. With base 2-8 damage plus fire damage. That weapon is broken, yes.
@subtledoctor I guess the stronger you are the better damage you can do throwing stuff makes sense up to a certain point because projectile speed is limited by air resistance which goes up exponentially meaning you won't get linear increase in damage. Right now thrown weapons are too powerful I agree. Also Crossbows should do way more damage than bows.
You can pretend that thrown weapons are finely balanced giving you better attack speed or something lol. Bit of a cop out.
Daggers should attack faster than bigger weapons if we are talking about realism here.
That is not stupid enough, strength damage gets added to throwing daggers but not to throwing axes and hammers (I don't get the logic of this x_x). So can you imagine if a Kensai have grandmastery on daggers + a nice strength belt what havoc he can create? (maybe that's why magical throwing daggers never reached +4 enchantments otherwise the whole town will have Kensai/Mage throwing +4 firetooth daggers at grandmastery+strength belt+that glove that give you extra APR +his kensai damage bonus.(well his magic becomes solely for self defense and his dagger become very "offending".
In both games Firetooth is functionally a Throwable bastard sword +1 APR usable also in mlee, with the only limitation that can not be DWelded, indeed a powerful weapon for a mage or a kensai.
I guess the stronger you are the better damage you can do throwing stuff makes sense up to a certain point because projectile speed is limited by air resistance which goes up exponentially meaning you won't get linear increase in damage. Right now thrown weapons are too powerful I agree. Also Crossbows should do way more damage than bows.
You can pretend that thrown weapons are finely balanced giving you better attack speed or something lol. Bit of a cop out.
Daggers should attack faster than bigger weapons if we are talking about realism here.