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Official List of Classes and Kits

XixorXixor Member Posts: 4
edited September 2012 in Archive (General Discussion)
Hello all,

Can anyone link me to a definitive list of classes and kits (and detailed descriptions, rules for them) that will be available in the "vanilla" release of BG:EE that comes out on the 18th?

I was looking around and there seem to be so many additional kits made available through mods over the years, that I am no longer sure what was included with ToB and what was added via mods afterwards, and what may make it into BG:EE.

More specifically, I was interested in seeing the descriptions and restrictions associated with kits - Can kits even be dual classed? People talk about dual classing Kansai/Mages, Archer/Cleric etc. but are those even viable dual class without using mods?

Thanks in advance!


  • eainterplayeainterplay Member Posts: 55
    This has a lot of information on classes and kits:
  • harvman11harvman11 Member Posts: 33
    I'm no expert in dual-classing (never actually did it myself), but my understanding is that you can dual-class FROM a kit, but not INTO a kit. So a kensai turning into a mage is okay, but a mage cannot turn into a kensai.

    As for kits being added, I believe the only thing in addition to the ToB classes/kits is the Blackgaurd.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    harvman11 said:

    I'm no expert in dual-classing (never actually did it myself), but my understanding is that you can dual-class FROM a kit, but not INTO a kit. So a kensai turning into a mage is okay, but a mage cannot turn into a kensai.

    As for kits being added, I believe the only thing in addition to the ToB classes/kits is the Blackgaurd.

    This is all true.
  • DragonspearDragonspear Member Posts: 1,838
    I was under the impression that in a ToB patch they stopped allowing dual classing from archer and stalker to cleric
  • sandmanCCLsandmanCCL Member Posts: 1,389
    @Dragonspear: I dunno if it was a patch or what, but I know you can't dual-class to cleric from either Stalker and Archer. It's not like that's a big deal. Your only viable choice for dual-wield weapon that can backstab would be Clubs, and you can't equip bows as an Archer anyway.
  • DragonspearDragonspear Member Posts: 1,838

    Then ya you just confirmed it. Frankly I don't mind but I wanted people to know. Maybe I should help you with your wiki page ><
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