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Multiplayer Characters

KEGman321KEGman321 Member Posts: 22
edited September 2012 in Archive (General Discussion)
When I played the original Baldur's Gate, I never had the opportunity to play the multiplayer. Now that this is being released, my brother and I are able to play multiplayer together. We were wondering if you have to make the other party members, find them online (other players), or are there still NPC's?


  • SerephSereph Member Posts: 23
    The multiplayer game is identical to the single player except for the added ability to create multiple PC's, and assign the character slots to multiple players. So, you can make multiple custom characters, or just the bhaal spawn and then split up the normal NPCs. Letting other people into your game wont be necessary to fill up your party, the regular npcs will still be available.
  • KEGman321KEGman321 Member Posts: 22
    Thank you for the information, friend. :)
  • sandmanCCLsandmanCCL Member Posts: 1,389
    Things to take into consideration:

    Only the host gets Bhaalspawn powers. It's still game over if he/she dies. Other person essentially functions purely as an NPC even if they roll their own guy.
  • KEGman321KEGman321 Member Posts: 22
    I figured as much. I am also assuming that the host gets the powers, and other players do not?
  • WigglesWiggles Member Posts: 571
    I made a thread on this in the "Help for new players" forum. Trying to compile a list so those with questions about multiplayer only have to go to one spot. Hope this helps ya.
  • CyricistCyricist Member Posts: 61
    Yeah, the host gets the Bhaalspawn powers, the other players do not. To be honest, in a Baldur's Gate setting, with tons of NPCs in your party, I'd highly recommend you both roll one character each, and then pick NPCs to join you guys. Also bear in mind if you want to continue to Baldur's Gate 2 with these characters, you can divvy up the +attribute tomes between your two created characters, and have them carry those bonuses over to BG2, whereas using the tomes on an NPC would not have the bonuses carry over, if that makes sense.
  • PaladinPaladin Member Posts: 335
    edited September 2012
    Separate question: I have been playing a lot of IWD lately. Do you know if there is a way to create a party of six players? Do you have to pickup the NPC? I understand you can Shadow Keeper NPC characters to whatever you want, but is there a way to do this without butchering an NPC? I will likely play through a few times "vanilla" with the new NPCs, but after, I would love to create my own party of 6. I think a party of 6 Archers would be devastating.
    Post edited by Paladin on
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    If you start up a multiplayer session, you can disable inviting other players and just create six characters for yourself to use.
  • CyricistCyricist Member Posts: 61
    @Paladin Good god, a party of 6 Archers would be a joke in BG1. Made me laugh just to consider it. If you gave them scripts that had them all automatically target hostile enemies, you wouldn't even have to move your mouse. I just pictured the Bandit Camp... you could park your Archers in the center of it, and go make yourself a cup of coffee. Come back, loot the bodies, and chuckle.
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