EEkeeper newb requesting assistance on questions that have probably been answered a lot.

I after I finish the Krynn Gold Box Games I want to play IWD:EE on my PC again rather than my iPhone. I want to use EEkeeper to personalize my characters and break rules and other such things.
Thing the first: How would I properly change race? Example I want to make a Gnome Bard. Do I just make a Half-Elf Bard, go into EEkeeper and change the race and character model to gnome and be done with it or do I need to edit things like innate thieving values?
Thing the second: Can I add innate abilities using EEkeeper? Example could I give a character animate dead as a special ability that scales with their character level.
Thing the third: So in 2e PnP Drow lose their magic resistance slowly on the surface but regain in the Underdark. When my characters venture deep underground is there a way I could go into EEkeeper and give the psuedo-Drow his magic resistance back and then remove it later when he's back on the surface?
I know I could probably figure most of this out by messing with the program but I don't want to break anything.
I after I finish the Krynn Gold Box Games I want to play IWD:EE on my PC again rather than my iPhone. I want to use EEkeeper to personalize my characters and break rules and other such things.
Thing the first: How would I properly change race? Example I want to make a Gnome Bard. Do I just make a Half-Elf Bard, go into EEkeeper and change the race and character model to gnome and be done with it or do I need to edit things like innate thieving values?
Thing the second: Can I add innate abilities using EEkeeper? Example could I give a character animate dead as a special ability that scales with their character level.
Thing the third: So in 2e PnP Drow lose their magic resistance slowly on the surface but regain in the Underdark. When my characters venture deep underground is there a way I could go into EEkeeper and give the psuedo-Drow his magic resistance back and then remove it later when he's back on the surface?
I know I could probably figure most of this out by messing with the program but I don't want to break anything.
that's how I would do it, and when you grow up a level your saving throw bonuses might retroactively adjust to that of a gnome, ( i've seen such things in vanilla bg before) but worse case scenario you might just keep getting the half-elf bonus, when it comes to the thief values they will probably still be the half-elf ones, so if you truly want the gnome bonuses you will have to do some homework on what those are and then change them manually, but will that wreck your game? nay
yes you can add innate abilities using EE keeper, but if you want them as a special ability it has to be something that already exists in the game, so if you want animate dead as a special ability you will have to see if there is an animate dead that falls under the "special ability" effect, and again giving your characters special abilities probably wont crash the game unless its supposed to only happen during a certain trigger, so what I would suggest, if you find an ability you like, give it to your guy, open your game, save the game and try it out, if it freezes/crashes the game it wont work, and if not, then you should be good to go
as far as I know, that PnP rule doesn't apply to IWD, it definitely doesn't affect BG, so I think you will be safe on that, in BG1 viconia has 50% MR through out the whole game, and in BG2 she has 65% MR through out the whole game, so I wouldn't rely on seeing it change at all in IWD